Gaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing Zelda

This weeks gaming podcast covers the top game news of the week, a flashback on the video game Gorf and some feedback from the listeners. This weeks news includes:

  • Reggie Fils-Aime Calls Low Priced Apps a “Threat” to the Industry
  • Verizon Stops Taking iPhone Preorders After 17 Hours
  • Harmonix Confirms Layoffs
  • Parent Group Attacks “Your Mom Will Hate Dead Space 2” Ad
  • Halo 1 Being Remade for 360?
  • Sony Wants More Defendants In Rootkey Case

This weeks question of the week: What older game do you want to see a modern remake of most?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing Zelda”

  1. @future of games: Derrick, I hope you are right, and game designers will put the game mechanics first.

    @Low Priced Apps a “Threat” to the Industry:
    That’s dumb. If you feel your game is “teh sheet” then you can charge for whatever you feel right. Yes, I know, price influences sales. Still, if you think your game is worth it, then ask for whatever price you want.

    @Harmonix Confirms Layoffs:
    What? Rock band games are done? Who could have seen that ? 😛
    Sorry for being mean, I just didn’t like those kind of games.

    @Your Mom Will Hate Dead Space 2:
    :)) This is ridiculous. They should just spend more time on parenting.

    @Halo 1 Being Remade for 360?
    Here’s the thing, a good deal of HD remakes are NOT just re-texturing. They do add better models, advanced rendering, better physics.
    On the other hand, having played the original games, I am not THAT interested in HD remakes.

    @More Defendants In Rootkey Case:
    Good luck with that! They should also get in touch with MPAA and RIAA, and “with their forces combined”, maybe they’ll get somewhere. And if they’re lucky, maybe bring one or two more people in the lawsuit.

    Question of the week:
    I agree with Jennifer: Contra. I played that ‘co-op’ with my sister.
    A second one: Eliminator Boat Duel ( ). Loved it.

  2. @future of games: Derrick, I hope you are right, and game designers will put the game mechanics first.

    @Low Priced Apps a “Threat” to the Industry:
    That’s dumb. If you feel your game is “teh sheet” then you can charge for whatever you feel right. Yes, I know, price influences sales. Still, if you think your game is worth it, then ask for whatever price you want.

    @Harmonix Confirms Layoffs:
    What? Rock band games are done? Who could have seen that ? 😛
    Sorry for being mean, I just didn’t like those kind of games.

    @Your Mom Will Hate Dead Space 2:
    :)) This is ridiculous. They should just spend more time on parenting.

    @Halo 1 Being Remade for 360?
    Here’s the thing, a good deal of HD remakes are NOT just re-texturing. They do add better models, advanced rendering, better physics.
    On the other hand, having played the original games, I am not THAT interested in HD remakes.

    @More Defendants In Rootkey Case:
    Good luck with that! They should also get in touch with MPAA and RIAA, and “with their forces combined”, maybe they’ll get somewhere. And if they’re lucky, maybe bring one or two more people in the lawsuit.

    Question of the week:
    I agree with Jennifer: Contra. I played that ‘co-op’ with my sister.
    A second one: Eliminator Boat Duel ( ). Loved it.

  3. Thank you for the explanation Derrick. I now know why prices are so expensive here in Australia! I didn’t realise that games were imported on bombers then delivered to every EB by kangaroos 😛

    Actually, on the subject of expensive gaming, we just found out the price of the 3DS in Australia = $350. $100 more than the US even though the Aussie dollar is actually slightly stronger than the US dollar at the moment. At least it isn’t $400 like some were speculating, which is what the Wii cost here at launch.

    Age of Empires 2 remake?!? DO WANT. I also would love a remake of Descent: Freespace. Too bad about the license issues with it though.

  4. Thank you for the explanation Derrick. I now know why prices are so expensive here in Australia! I didn’t realise that games were imported on bombers then delivered to every EB by kangaroos 😛

    Actually, on the subject of expensive gaming, we just found out the price of the 3DS in Australia = $350. $100 more than the US even though the Aussie dollar is actually slightly stronger than the US dollar at the moment. At least it isn’t $400 like some were speculating, which is what the Wii cost here at launch.

    Age of Empires 2 remake?!? DO WANT. I also would love a remake of Descent: Freespace. Too bad about the license issues with it though.

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