Month: November 2012

Episode 288: Wii U-tiful PodcastEpisode 288: Wii U-tiful Podcast

This week’s episode is short due to Jonah Falcon’s impending trip to San Francisco to cover a preview event of Company of Heroes 2, while Paul Nowak gets irritated at the complaints coming out of the Wii U launch.

The news items include:

  • Wii U’s launch day update reportedly causing major problems
  • Nintendo DRM traps $400 of downloaded games
  • GTA: Vice Cityremoved from Steam over music licensing
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox TV device coming in 2013
  • Sony: Our iPhone and Galaxy S3 challenger is coming

The Question of the Week: “Do you play real-time strategy games. If so, what is your favorite. If not, why not?”

Episode 287: Dead CatsEpisode 287: Dead Cats

This week’s Gaming Podcast is chock full of news and reader feedback. Rather than do a Gaming Flashback, a conversation about the middling sales of the PlayStation Vita is discussed, while Paul is anxiously looking for a black Wii U so he can play Epic Mickey 2. We also hand out the indie game prizes to our two winners.

This week’s news includes:

  • Star Citizen hits $4.5M stretch goal, biggest crowd fundraiser ever
  • Black Ops 2 1.03 patch doesn’t fix server issues
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution film director tabbed
  • Spector: Epic Mickey 2 takes “choice and consequence to new levels

This week’s Question of the Week: What was the best game you ever played that cost less than $5?

In addition, this is the two days of Kickstarter funding. Help the TD Gaming Podcast with its Kickstarter fundraising.

Episode 286: Free Indie GamesEpisode 286: Free Indie Games

This week, Gaming Podcast is giving away free indie games: Dungeon Defenders and the Zeboyd 2-Pack including Cthulhu Saves the World and Breath of Death VIII. The Gaming Flashback includes the original Splinter Cell from 2002.

There’s also plenty of news items including:

  • Blizzard facing class action lawsuit over security
  • Former Square boss calls merger “a complete failure” between Square and Enix
  • Nintendo details Wii U network ID system
  • Molyneux skeptical about tablet/TV gaming
  • Halo 4 makes $220M in first day, Forward Unto Reach garners 46M viewers
  • Analyst: Grand Theft Auto V will sell 25M units

No Question of the Week – just let us know if you’d like to win either Dungeon Defenders or Cthulhu Saves the World/Breath Of Death VIII.

In addition, this is the final week of Kickstarter funding. Help the TD Gaming Podcast with its Kickstarter fundraising.

Episode 285: Surviving SandyEpisode 285: Surviving Sandy

The podcast is back this week after being knocked out by Hurricane Sandy hitting New York City hard. As the Kickstarter continues to struggle to find donors, Jordan discusses his hands-on experience with the new Microsoft tablet, the Surface, in lieu of a Gaming Flashback.

This week’s news items include:

  • Civilization MMO being developed in Asia
  • Yoshida: PlayStation Vita sales are below expectations
  • DICE giving away Battlefield 1942 for free on Origin
  • Redding: “lower-case aaa” games where the industry should be heading
  • Microsoft and 343 Industries taking hard stance on sexism

All that and Reader Feedback. This week’s Question of the Week, “What do you do for fun when you can’t access the internet?”

Help the TD Gaming Podcast with its Kickstarter fundraising.