Month: January 2013

Episode 295: We Need a NurseEpisode 295: We Need a Nurse

This week, Jonah has the flu, but still manages to host despite hacking and coughing (which was edited out of the podcast), and having a nasally voice as well. Jordan was not so lucky, and couldn’t make it at all. Despite all this, the crew manages to give Dan a sendoff in his last regular podcast.

The news was also pretty major this week, including:

  • THQ finally dissolved, assets auctioned off
  • Dead Space 3 micro-transactions for players wanting “instant gratification”
  • Disney Infinity to feature on-disc DLC, susceptible to movie spoilers
  • League of Legends Team Solo Medbi players receive lifetime bans for anti-Semitism and abuse
  • Sony fined 250K GBP for April 2011 hacker intrusion

We also have Reader Feedback and a new Question of the Week: “What kind of microtransactions are acceptable?”

Episode 294: Naked BribingEpisode 294: Naked Bribing

This week has a full crew again with Jordan, Jonah, Paul and Dan, and even though there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, there’s a ton of news to pour over.

This week’s news includes:

  • Jay Wilson steps down from Diablo III stewardship
  • The Secret World sees ‘400% increase in activity’ after December relaunch
  • Mojang: Minecraft XBLA outsold Minecraft PC in 2012
  • Gas Powered Games confirms major layoffs
  • Sony settles lawsuit with Kevin Butler actor Jerry Lambert
  • Pachter: Nintendo is “a few years late” in everything they do

On a sadder note, Dan announced a day after the podcast recording that he will be employed full-time and no longer have the time to be a regular member of the podcast.

This week’s Question of the Week: “What game do you want to see a sequel to the most?”

Episode 293: Master of the HouseEpisode 293: Master of the House

This week sees the return of Paul Nowak from his holiday vacation. There’s plenty of news items and some reader feedback, but also the return of Gaming History as the crew checks out the failed portable console, the

The news for this week includes:

  • Age of Empires Online won’t be seeing any more content
  • Sony patents tech to stop used games and rentals
  • Major Nelson posts countdown to E3 Expo 2013
  • PvP mode for Diablo III delayed yet again
  • Telltale is in the very early stages of The Walking Dead Season 2

Finally, the Question of the Week is simple: “What did you do on your holiday break?”

Episode 292: Goodbye 2012Episode 292: Goodbye 2012

This double stuffed episode makes up for last week’s week off, even without Paul in the podcast.

The news covers the following items:

  • Sony stops shipping PlayStation 2 in Japan
  • WWE may not get $45M owed by THQ for license
  • Asheron’s Call 2 returns

They then covered the top stories of the year, which leads to the Question of the Week, “What was the biggest news item in 2012?”