Episode 332: Blue Light Unspecial

Gaming Podcast is back after a week off, as Jordan talks about playing games on his brand-new PlayStation 4, while Jonah is anxious and worried about the Xbox One launch this week.

There’s also a ton of news this week, including:

  • Unlucky PlayStation 4 owners face ‘blue light of death’
  • Report: Apple in “talks” to purchase co-creators of original Kinect tech
  • Ubisoft explains why launch games underwhelm
  • Xbox One launch official broadcast available through Spike, GameTrailers
  • Survey: only 1 percent of gamers want a Wii U this Holiday season
  • Ken Levine defends BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 1‘s length
  • World of Warcraft not going free-to-play, stop asking
  • More Fallout 4 evidence pops up with trademark registration

And the Question of the Week: “What was the best budget game you ever bought?”

0 thoughts on “Episode 332: Blue Light Unspecial”

  1. I’m so glad I finished Jade Empire before this episode. I have to say I did see it coming in the cut scene just after you defeat the emperor. He got the gem and was just walking down the steps and I thought “Oh man he’s evil! Dammit!”

    If PS3 programming isn’t so different from PS4 then why can’t we have backwards compatibility?

    I’m thinking of getting a Wii U mostly as a family console for us all to play on. I don’t know what Nintendo’s strategy is anymore if they are giving up on main console and just going to go 3DS.

    QOTW: I think it was getting Roberta William’s Ultimate collection of the entire KQ games, both Luara bow games, and a few others on four discs with a soundtrack included for about $20.

    I also got a Neo Geo with about 10 games for 20$ from a pawn shop but that system and games we got sucked. We used it as a cd player after that.

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