Month: January 2015

Episode 375: And We’re BackEpisode 375: And We’re Back

After a problematic week, Episode 375 is now up, with tons of news. So much that there’s no room for a Gaming Flashback or a Gaming History.

The news includes:

  • Joystiq no longer scoring” reviews
  • New Harmonix survey points to Rock Band 4
  • Hatred gets an AO rating in US
  • Disney, Activision both claim landslide victory in toys-to-life category
  • Microsoft maintaining $349 price point on Xbox Ones
  • Windows 10 includes in-home game streaming from Xbox One

This week’s Question of the Week: “What, if any, was your favorite part of Rock Band?”

Episode 374: Lost in a CrowdEpisode 374: Lost in a Crowd

This week’s episode of Gaming Podcast has a special guest co-host, Andrew Yoon, formerly of Joystiq and currently in card game and video game development. The Gaming Flashback is the one that started them all: LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game.

The slow news week includes:

  • DDoS service targeting PSN and Xbox powered by home Internet routers
  • Japanese console sales continued to slide in 2014
  • Evolve’s questionable bargain: pre-purchase to avoid the unlock grind
  • Sony delays PS4 in China

The Question of the Week: “What is your favorite, if any, LEGO videogames?”

Episode 373: Happy New 2015Episode 373: Happy New 2015

This is the first podcast of 2015, and Jonah and Paul are ready to get going, talking about their holiday gifts and their disappointment in the film Birdman. There’s no Gaming History or Gaming Flashback this week, but stay tuned for one next week.

The news in this episode includes:

  • FBI claimed to be investigating Xbox Live, PlayStation Network DDoS perps
  • GSC Gameworld re-opens for business
  • Halo 5 multiplayer beta gets more maps, weapons, and modes (from GameSpot)
  • Xbox Live founder leaves Microsoft

Also in the podcast is some Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week, “How much do you play online?”