Month: June 2015

Episode 389: Live From E3 2015Episode 389: Live From E3 2015

Part of this long episode was recorded live from the LA Convention Center floor at E3 2015, where Jonah and Paul were fresh off waiting in line for Disney amibos. There were some news items covered there, while a few more news items were recorded here.

Rather than list all of the news items, we’ll just relay the Question of the Week: “If Nintendo isn’t revealing a new console, should they skip E3 altogether in 2016?”

All this and listener feedback, too.

Episode 388: Off To E3 AgainEpisode 388: Off To E3 Again

It’s the last episode before the start of E3, which both Jonah and Paul will be attending, as Paul fantasizes about having some fancy footwear for the conference.

The abbreviated episode includes the following news:

  • The $100 headset uses controversial electric shocks to make you a better gamer
  • Oculus unveils final model of the Rift, due early 2016
  • Xbox One exclusives Crackdown, Scalebound and Quantum Break will skip E3 for Gamescom

Question of the Week this time is, “Do you prefer a silent or voiced protagonist?”

Episode 387: Some FalloutEpisode 387: Some Fallout

This podcast was recorded on short notice, so it’s on the short side. It’s also a little dated, since the Fallout 4 news was going to be announced the next day at the recording, and the publishing is a day after it’s official reveal. There’s an actual Gaming Flashback this week, with Destroy All Humans!, which shockingly Paul never played.

The news in this podcast includes:

  • Indie dev discusses where the money goes
  • Fallout 4 announcement coming June 3
  • New Steam refunds policy makes some devs concerned

All this and Listener Feeedback.