Month: May 2016

Episode 426: Paul’s Return Part 2Episode 426: Paul’s Return Part 2

As promised, the second half of the two hour long podcast, in which there’s a long, long ramble about pop culture and potential future specials with Paul and company.

The other news items included in the podcast are:

  • 2K announces Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
  • Nintendo NX “is neither the successor to the Wii U nor to the 3DS”

The next podcast will be recorded live at E3’s show floor in two weeks – stay tuned!

Episode 425: Paul’s Return Part 1Episode 425: Paul’s Return Part 1

Paul returns to the show to drown his sorrows in the discontinuation of a game series he loved, and the podcast ran so long it has to be split into two parts.

The first half of this podcast includes the following news items:

  • Why Disney Infinity 4.0 was shut down
  • Microsoft kills Project Spark for Windows, Xbox One

Stay tuned for Part 2.

Episode 424: Awaiting ApocalypseEpisode 424: Awaiting Apocalypse

The gang discusses the just-released Captain America: Civil War as well as mention the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse film, but they also do get into this week’s news, which is heavy on the Nintendo side.

The news includes:

  • Nintendo NX cartridge rumors abound
  • Fallout 4 Xbox One mods enter beta after May 19
  • Zelda anchors Nintendo E3 plans
  • Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare debut this past week

This week’s Question of the Week is “What era war would you like to see in a shooter?”

Episode 423: Nintendo NXEpisode 423: Nintendo NX

This week revolves around Nintendo’s upcoming console. Otherwise, there isn’t much to speak of in terms of shocking news. However, there is a lot of it this time around.

The news items include:

  • Stardew Valley multiplayer, console ports confirmed
  • Nintendo NX launching March 2017, new mobile games on way
  • Oculus Rift arrives at Best Buy stores ahead of pre-orders
  • Nintendo won’t sell NX at a loss
  • Classic Sega Mega Drive ROM hacks hit Steam workshop

Question of the Week: “Ever play any console ROM hacks?”