Month: July 2016

Episode 432: Gaming ThunderEpisode 432: Gaming Thunder

This podcast has a little storminess to it, as it was recorded during a thunderstorm. There’s also tons of interesting news.

This week’s items include:

  • Rainbow Six Siege Season 3 content arrives on August 2
  • Sega announces two new Sonic games
  • Nintendo loses billions in value after Pokemon Go truth bomb
  • PlayStation Neo said to be coming in either September or October

Let us know what you think.

Episode 431: Pokemon NO!Episode 431: Pokemon NO!

The past week has been rife with news about Pokemon GO! and all of the chaos the mobile game has caused around the world with people hunting creatures in museums and police stations. The podcast mostly avoids the craze.

The news this week includes:

  • Fake Pokemon Go! apps could contain malware and force your phone to click on porn links
  • Fraudsters force RimWorld dev to stop giving out Steam keys
  • Bethesda defends $60 price tag for Skyrim Remastered
  • Xbox One S arrives August 2

We also announce the winner of the contest.

Episode 430: Audio IssuesEpisode 430: Audio Issues

This episode has some audio issues due to circumstances requiring Jonah to tape from outside in the NYC streets. Otherwise, this week’s news is Poke-mazing as some major issues hit the video game world this past week.

The news includes:

  • Valve’s Counter-Strike illegal gambling controversy continues
  • Red Dead Redemption sales jump 6000% after Xbox One backwards compatibility announcement
  • Pokémon Go raises security concerns among Google users

This is the contest’s last week. The Question of the Week is “How much is too much data to share with a game company?”