Month: December 2016

Episode 450: Game of the Year Awards 2016Episode 450: Game of the Year Awards 2016

It’s the landmark 450th episode of Gaming Podcast — and the end of a very disappointing year in videogames (among other things) for 2016. These aren’t your usual awards though – Jonah gives the “Best PS2 Game” award to The Last Guardian, for instance. It’s an extra long podcast at almost 2 hours, so enjoy all of the banter.

There’s also news, of course, which includes:

  • Torment: Tides of Numenera and Yooka-Laylee get release dates
  • New Age of Empires 2 expansion out next week
  • Final Fantasy‘s 30th anniversary plans to be revealed soon

Let us know your favorite games of 2016!

Episode 449: More Technical DifficultiesEpisode 449: More Technical Difficulties

For the second week in a row, the podcast has had some technical issues. This time the problem was less, but there are still present. Part of the reason is that the mic is subpar, the other is that the PC it’s being recorded on has a damaged fan. That said, this week’s episode (and the unreleased episode) were really good. The unpublished one will be issued at some future date when we all need a break (maybe over the Christmas week.)

This week’s episode includes:

  • Assassin’s Creed 3 goes free, murders Ubisoft servers in the process
  • After Blizzard shutdown, legacy World of Warcraft server returns this month
  • Halo 5: Forge custom game browser is launching on PC this week
  • Report: Nintendo Switch will get GameCube Games

Let us know what your favorite 2016 game has been.