No episode this week. There will be more podcast goodness next week.
No Episode This Week
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Episode 493: Finally, After Three TriesEpisode 493: Finally, After Three Tries
So, two weeks ago, the audio was so corrupted, there was nothing that could be salvaged. A week later, the podcast only had one track working, so it was like Jonah speaking to imaginary people only he could hear. This podcast is finally perfect, with Rock Band being the Gaming Flashback.
This week’s news includes:
- System Shock reboot that raised $1.3M on Kickstarter is now on “hiatus”
- Dragon Ball FighterZ’s premium DLC characters revealed
- Rumor: Diablo III is coming to Nintendo Switch
Let us know what you think.
Episode 655: QuebecoisEpisode 655: Quebecois
Ce podcast n’est pas parlé en français. Ce n’est même pas en français canadien. Désolé, nous ne vivons pas à Montréal. Les gars se moquent du gouvernement du Québec pour leur peur provinciale de l’anglais et blâment tout sur la langue.
L’épisode de cette semaine comprend les nouvelles suivantes:
- L’industrie québécoise du jeu vidéo sera impactée par une loi linguistique controversée
- RimWorld: Console Edition arrive sur PS4, Xbox One le 29 juillet
- Samsung Gaming Hub est officiellement lancé
Il y a aussi des retours d’auditeurs. Dites-nous ce que vous en pensez.
Episode 499: A Long DelayEpisode 499: A Long Delay
Yeah, we recorded this on April 2 and are just releasing this on April 12 — because during this time Jonah went to PAX East, then visited his mother in NYC, and things have calmed down about now. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the overly cute LittleBigPlanet… and to think it was a major topic of conversation in the early days of the podcast. How time has passed.
This week’s news items include:
- You can play de_dust2 in Far Cry Arcade
- No Man’s Sky coming to Xbox One later this year
You’d think that wouldn’t be enough news for 90 minutes, but that’s ok. We go off on tangents all the time.