Month: June 2019

Episode 542: Beware the Crab Lasers of DoomEpisode 542: Beware the Crab Lasers of Doom

Paul’s back for an episode, as the crew still has E3 on the mind, and still discuss stuff from the show. In fact, the conversation remains so much on E3, half of the scheduled news items don’t get done. Instead, it’s just a reunion of sorts as the rambling goes on and on.

The news that does get discussed includes:

  • Final Fantasy VIII Remastered PC will get exclusive features
  • NBA 2K19 fans are unhappy at an increase in the number of in-game unskippable ads

Let us know what you think.

Episode 540: Pre-E3 Show 2019Episode 540: Pre-E3 Show 2019

TJ is getting ready to head to Los Angeles for E3 2019, while Jonah sits out for the first time since 2001. Otherwise, there’s no Gaming Flashback.

The news includes:

  • Shenmue 3 pushed back to November 19 release
  • Rebellion to show off Evil Genius 2, Sniper Elite VR, and mystery game at E3

We also take a long look at all of the E3 rumors. Let us know what you think.