Month: October 2019

Episode 551: Mac Owners Are Not Real GamersEpisode 551: Mac Owners Are Not Real Gamers

Jonah makes the controversial statement in this episode, as well as a Gaming Flashback on the popular open world FPS Borderlands.

The news this week includes:

  • Blizzard calls off public event to promote Switch Overwatch launch
  • Divinity: Fallen Heroes has been put on hold indefinitely
  • Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 delayed
  • Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong is a new RPG from the developers of The Council

Let us know what you think.

Episode 550: Kowtowing to ChinaEpisode 550: Kowtowing to China

Blizzard finds itself in hot water as it finds itself having to explain its actions in pleasing the Chinese government, in news that’s still hot and doesn’t look like it’s going to cool down anytime soon. It’s enough to overshadow even an official console announcement from Sony. There’s a Gaming Flashback, the embarrassingly bad FMV game Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties.

The news this week includes:

  • Blizzard is facing a boycott after removing a Hearthstone Grandmaster
  • PlayStation 5 launches Holiday 2020
  • Doom Eternal delayed until March 2020, Doom 64 goes multiformat

Let us know what you think.

Episode 549: PS4 CrossplayingEpisode 549: PS4 Crossplaying

The crew realize how prickly gamers are getting. Lootboxes may make them complain, but it won’t stop them from paying. Exclusive DLC? That seems to be a bridge too far.

The news includes:

  • Modern Warfare fans are cancelling pre-orders over Spec Ops exclusivity
  • PS4 cross-play features reportedly out of beta, now available to all developers
  • French CS:GO players can preview loot box contents now, but still have to claim them

Let us know what you think.