This week’s episode has a lot of … personality. That is, a lot of mockery, cursing, sniping, and general chaos – making it one of the best podcasts ever. Jordan Lund wasn’t available due to commitments at work, so Dan Quick once again filled in, and as expected, got along with Paul S. Nowak famously, as they tagteamed Jonah Falcon. In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this week was Civilization II.
This week’s news also made Paul explode. Twice:
- Congressmen want warning labels on all games
- Exec: Console version of Diablo III will be “full Blizzard experience”
- Grand Theft Auto V details allegedly leaked
- EVE Online FanFest Panel accused of “tasteless” behavior
- Rumor: Microsoft to release ‘Xbox Lite’ before next-gen
The winners of The Darkness II contest were also announced. All this in an episode bursting full of good, old-fashioned bitchiness.