VIDEO: GamingPodcast Plays Viscera Cleanup Detail

Gaming Podcast’s Jonah Falcon and Shack News’ T.J. Denzer do a totally-not-ripping-off-Zero-Punctuation’s-Let’s-Drown-Out video of the former playing Viscera Cleanup Detail as they discuss how depressing the announcement of the Electronic Arts/NFL exclusive license extension is, promising more awful Madden titles.

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Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?

[This episode is unedited, so be prepared for some naughty language.]

This week has some stunning news items, causing an overstuffed, long episode, so big even Jordan’s wife chimes in, and Jonah and Paul argue hotly over the last item. The Gaming Flashback for this episode is Super Star Wars.

This week’s huge news:

  • EA gets exclusive license to publish Star Wars games, powered by Frostbite 3 engine
  • Uplay causing problems with Steam version of Heroes VI expansion Shades of Darkness
  • The Sims 4 officially announced by Electronic Arts
  • Michael Biehn hints at Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon sequel
  • Doritos Crash Course 2 coming May 9, still free
  • Spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness hitting crowdfunding on May 6
  • Gearbox dismisses Aliens: Colonial Marines lawsuit as “beyond meritless”

Also some listener feedback, plus this week’s Question: “What was your Golden Era of videogaming?”

Contest: The Policital Machine 2008 Give-AwayContest: The Policital Machine 2008 Give-Away

If anyone wants to win a copy of Stardock’s next upcoming Political Machine game, you’ll want to checkout’s contest post. The contest ends June 30, 11:59pm EST so you wanna get over there now and enter to win.

“The rules of the game are simple: post your own political slogan as a comment by June 30th, 11:59pm EST. In other words, tell us, 2008 election style, why we at GameStooge should vote for YOU to earn the game.”

So, head on over to gamestooge and post a good comment and perhaps you’ll get the game, can’t hurt to try, right?

Stardock has always been a great company to work with and is willing to help out the industry whenever possible.

Episode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest ContinuesEpisode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest Continues

This week’s podcast is fairly heavy on the Xbox One news, but at least it makes for a themed podcast. Jordan expresses his fears at controllers that look at you, while QWOP and Surgeon Simulator 2013 are discussed.

This week’s news includes:

  • PS4 did have always on DRM, camera, but Sony changed it at E3
  • Report: Xbox One’s capabilities better than Microsoft expected
  • Report: Xbox One will be able to run Windows 8 apps
  • Xbox One getting Unity support to aid indie developers
  • Half-Life 3 rumors squashed by Surgeon Simulator 2013 dev
  • Star Citizen asset cost for ships “anywhere from $35,000 to $150,000”

The “Win a Titanfall T-shirt” contest continues. Merely answer, “What game at E3 impressed you the most?” to enter to win a large size tee.