Episode 653: Hello Starfield

Microsoft finally showed off Starfield in a 15 minute demo of various aspects of the game. Is it worth the excitement? Was there anything else notable at the Microsoft/Bethesda Showcase?

If that weren’t enough, the guys also talked about the Devolver Digital showcase with such games as Card Shark and Anger Foot, the PC Gaming Show with such titles as Agent 64: Spies Never Die and Tactical Breach Wizards, and Capcom’s showcase including Resident Evil, Resident Evil and more Resident Evil (and Exoprimal).

Let us know what you think.

0 thoughts on “Episode 653: Hello Starfield”

  1. Hi Guys.

    As usual: thanks for your effort in this episode, i highly aprecciate this!

    Regarding the topics:
    I did not play that much atm, its too hot ๐Ÿ˜€
    I played a little bit God of War on the PS5, a little bit Magic Arena and a little bit Life is strange: true colors.

    Turtles: I will buy the game as well, games like these are so much fun with friends and the price is totally fair imho.

    Starfield: i watched the short clips, which have been shown during the Microsoft Bethesda showcase event some days ago. But i am not very interested in that game, because its too huge. I sadly dont have the time to play such big games where you have to spent so many time ๐Ÿ™

    Silksong: cant wait to be released!

    Hot Wheels: Yes i am excited as well. Looks funny and interesting, even if am not so much into racing games ๐Ÿ™‚

    Regarding all the other games, i dont know them, so cant say anything about it ๐Ÿ™

    Thanks again and please stay healthy!
    Greetings from germany,

  2. Dragonโ€™s Dogma 2 might be great if they expand choices with the collaboration features. Maybe have tactical party settings like Dragon Age 2 had, so you can direct collaborative battles without tediously micro-managing.

    Great show!

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