As most folks expected, Electronic Arts use of the SecuROM trojan install has sparked up a little class action lawsuit against the publisher. At first, EA thought they could just bump the total installs from three to five to make gamers happy, but they’re out for blood.
With an amazon rating of 1.5 stars and 2900+ ratings, it’s obvious that people are not happy with the security system used by Electronic Arts for this title. Forbes mentions how pirated the game has become since the DRM news went hot and pirates are touting to download it for free to make your “voice” heard. Legally, you can make your voice heard by setting up a class action lawsuit and so it begins!
“Although consumers are told the game uses access control and copy protection technology, consumers are not told that this technology is actually an entirely separate, stand-alone program which will download, install, and operate on their computer,” read the complaint. “Once installed, it becomes a permanent part of the consumer’s software portfolio. Even if the consumer uninstalls Spore, and entirely deletes it from their computer, SecurROM remains a fixture on their computer unless and until the consumer completely wipes their hard drive through reformatting or replacement of the drive.” (gamespot)
It seems everything boils down to the how EA went about protecting their assets. Nobody faults the publisher for trying to keep their products out of the hands of pirates. The pure fact that EA has chosen to install separate products that snoop on your operations and can malfunction your system is the hart hitting point. Rubbing it in worse, pirates had the game broken and free to download prior to the release of Spore in the US.
Although the license agreement will state the product uses a digital rights management technique, it fails to explain the details of the SecuROM’s stealth install and inability to remove itself without wiping the hard disk.
The suit accuses EA of “intentionally” hiding the fact Spore uses the SecurROM.
Hi guys.
Thanks as always 🙂
I played a lot of Magic the Gathering because a new expansion was released. And since wrath of the Koch king classic was released for WoW I got back to it for a lot of hours 🙂 I already wrote that to episode 663 which I listened directly before this episode 🙂
First of all: enjoy your holiday in LA Jonah!
Death stranding? Chapeau! I was so damn excited for this game and I was so hard disappointed … can’t remember whenever a game disappointed me that much. I think I managed to play 10 hours to give it a try, but I don’t think I will ever return to it 🙂
GTA6 Leak: I think the only GTA I played was the first one together with a friend sitting together and he played it, I watched it 🙂
KOF: isn’t there a new Street Fighter coming? I don’t know anything about KoF per Samurai showdown … only Street Fighter 🙂
Sorry that I can’t say so much this time, but I don’t know what to say regarding games I don’t know 🙂
Please stay healthy and keep on gaming!
Greetings from Germany