Episode 703: Shadow of War

This week, TJ finally decides to play Middle Earth: Shadow of War, and there is a debate on whether he should play Shadow of Mordor or just watch a Let’s Play of the game first.

The news includes:

  • Cities: Skylines 2 DLC has been delayed and weekly patches have come to an end
  • Warner Bros says Wonder Woman won’t be a live-service game
  • Knights of the Old Republic remake reportedly not in active development
  • Insomniac’s Wolverine reportedly due 2025

Let us know what you think.

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38 Studios Pulls EA and Blizzard Talent38 Studios Pulls EA and Blizzard Talent

Formerly Green Monster Games, 38 Studios is growing a large pool of talented folks for their MMO endeavor. First, we heard R.A. Salvatore (writer of the Dark Elf series) was heading over to work on a story, art direction by Todd McFarlane (creator of Spawn) and now Irena Pereira from Blizzard and a sound designer, Aubrey Hodges.

Hodges has done sound for games like Kings Quest, Quake and even Madden NFL. Pereira was a World of Warcraft interface designer which allows us to invision a bit about what 38 Studio’s MMO may look like from a user interaction perspective.

The MMO, currently titled Copernicus has a tentative launch date of 2010, which seems short for a full MMO design but they’ve been hard at work for roughly two years. Not too shabby a team for a privately held company founded by baseball star Curt Shilling.

It’s important to note Shilling is an avid gamer and loves massive multiplayer online games. What else does a man with a lot of money do as a side project? Fund a company based on the hobby he loves! If anyone knows the best directions and qualities of an MMO it should be an experienced team guided by someone with a passion for the game genre.

We’ll have to wait and see!

Read on for the full press release


Episode 334: Droning OnEpisode 334: Droning On

Despite the title of the podcast episode this week, nothing is boring. Rather, there’s a ton of banter between Jonah, Paul and Jordan, as they discuss next-gen console gaming.

This week’s news items include:

  • Amazon testing package delivery by drone
  • Microsoft advises gamers against turning the Xbox One into a dev kit
  • There’s “no lack of ideas” at DICE, CEO ponders local weather for Battlefield
  • Xbox One beats PS4 sales at Walmart, Target
  • Epic: “We’ve yet to see the real value of the second screen”
  • Sega: Shenmue 3 trademark listing a hoax

All this and some Listener Feedback.