Episode 710: Toxic City

This week’s podcast includes the following news items:

  • Cities: Skylines 2 community is getting more toxic
  • Twitter ends NFT profile picture support
  • Naoki Yoshida thinks Final Fantasy 17 should be directed by someone new
  • Rocksteady reportedly worked on a non-DC game before Suicide Squad

Let us know what you think.

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Episode 260: CivilizationsEpisode 260: Civilizations

This week is packed full of gaming goodness, as the winner of the Civilization V contest is revealed. If that weren’t enough, the news items for the week invoked a lot of conversation:

  • New Halo 4 multiplayer details revealed
  • EA dismisses “big layoffs” claim, always “growing and morphing”
  • Rumor: Microsoft finding new ways to “monetize” Xbox Live

The podcast also features some great, heartwarming Reader Feedback as well as a new contest to win a code for Magicka. The question of the week, “What books featuring magic do you like the best?”

Episode 549: PS4 CrossplayingEpisode 549: PS4 Crossplaying

The crew realize how prickly gamers are getting. Lootboxes may make them complain, but it won’t stop them from paying. Exclusive DLC? That seems to be a bridge too far.

The news includes:

  • Modern Warfare fans are cancelling pre-orders over Spec Ops exclusivity
  • PS4 cross-play features reportedly out of beta, now available to all developers
  • French CS:GO players can preview loot box contents now, but still have to claim them

Let us know what you think.

Episode 397: Closing InEpisode 397: Closing In

A good episode this time, if a little meandering. The episode is slowly reaching its milestone.

The news items for the week include:

  • Nintendo patents new hardware, doesn’t include a disc drive
  • VS. Excitebike coming to Nintendo’s Virtual Console
  • Nintendo increasingly considering movies
  • 2DS dropping to $100
  • Darkest Dungeon adds option to turn off controversial features

Check us on twitter: Jonah Falcon is @jonahfalcon, Paul Nowak is @stagermonkey, and Scott Dirk is @alphashard.