Category: 3DS

Episode 640: Spacewar!Episode 640: Spacewar!

This week has a lot of followup to the entire situation with Activision/Blizzard, and also a lot of news items that weren’t a part of the official news feed. According in addition, this week’s Gaming Flashback is recognized as the first computer game, Spacewar!

The news feed includes:

  • Microsoft is watching Activision/Blizzard to ensure ‘the right people’ are in charge when it takes over
  • Witcher 3 director and Cyberpunk 2077 veterans announce new studio and ‘AAA dark fantasy‘ RPG
  • Nintendo Switch Sports online play test registration now open
  • 3DS and Wii U eShop purchases end in March 2023
  • Focus Home Interactive to acquire Metal Slug Tactics dev Leikir Studio

Let us know what you think, now that the Comments section works again!

Episode 519: Red Dead ArrivalEpisode 519: Red Dead Arrival

Jonah and TJ finally got to play Red Dead Redemption 2, and discuss how great it is and how disappointing it is at the same time. Great and disappointing can also describe the Gaming Flashback with 2008’s Mirror’s Edge, along with its awesome theme song, which Jonah is addicted to.

The news this week includes:

  • Nintendo recommits to “keep the business going” for 3DS
  • Capcom has “high expectations” for Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil 2
  • Pachter: Red Dead Redemption 2 coming to PC in April

Let us know if you’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

Episode 398: Only Two MoreEpisode 398: Only Two More

Two more episodes, and Paul is no longer a regular podcast host. On a side note, there will be no podcast next week due to scheduling conflicts.

This week’s news:

  • The Pokémon Company shuts down PAX party with lawsuit
  • 881 E.T. cartridges buried in New Mexico desert sell for over $100K
  • The smaller new 3DS is coming to the US on September 25
  • How GOG rescued 13 Forgotten Realms games from licensing hell

All this and Listener Feedback.

Episode 397: Closing InEpisode 397: Closing In

A good episode this time, if a little meandering. The episode is slowly reaching its milestone.

The news items for the week include:

  • Nintendo patents new hardware, doesn’t include a disc drive
  • VS. Excitebike coming to Nintendo’s Virtual Console
  • Nintendo increasingly considering movies
  • 2DS dropping to $100
  • Darkest Dungeon adds option to turn off controversial features

Check us on twitter: Jonah Falcon is @jonahfalcon, Paul Nowak is @stagermonkey, and Scott Dirk is @alphashard.

Episode 386: Late Yet AgainEpisode 386: Late Yet Again

Another late podcast, as Summer is in sight, and E3 looms ahead. Some minor audio issues with the podcast, but still the same podcast-y goodness we can expect from Paul and Jonah.

The news includes:

  • Analysts: “Greed, fear, and the potential to change the world” will drive VR
  • Casey Hudson joins Microsoft
  • Humble Bundle debuts Wii games
  • World of Warcraft players are pissed their characters can’t fly
  • Final Fantasy 15 news coming next week

All that and Listener Feedback.

Episode 365: Pre-NYCCEpisode 365: Pre-NYCC

This podcast has been delayed a little thanks to New York Comic Con, but that’s a discussion for next week’s podcast. While there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, there’s a lot to discuss.

This week’s news:

  • DICE: Battlefield 4 “absolutely” damaged player trust
  • GamerGate pressures Intel into pulling ads over editorial
  • Capcom: 2 million sales may be required for sequels
  • Super Smash Bros. hints that Mario’s extra lives are clones.

There are three Questions of the Week this week, so listen in and figure out which one(s) you want to answer!

Episode 268: Fake Maple SyrupEpisode 268: Fake Maple Syrup

In this episode of Gaming Podcast, Daniel Quick discusses how to become a true Canadian, while Jonah Falcon talks about making blond, green-eyed characters. There’s no Gaming Flashback this week, but plenty of news items.

This week’s discussion:

  • Nintendo announces XL version of Nintendo 3DS
  • Dev claims Microsoft killed XBLA version of Stranger’s Wrath
  • New users must now pass “review process” to unlock full Diablo III
  • Dragon’s Dogma getting sequels after shipping 1M
  • Valve and Cartoon Network collaboration hints at Team Fortress 2 show

All this, and the Question of the Week is “What weird rituals do you do when playing videogames?”

Episode 231: Plus One PaulEpisode 231: Plus One Paul

Paul has some angry comments, Jonah has some angry comments, while Jordan just chuckles and makes a Freudian mistake. In between complaints, the Gaming Flashback looks at the Amiga classic Syndicate, and the following news items:

  • The Lund Report: August 2011 NPD
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 PC controversy rages
  • THQ: Next-gen consoles will be discless
  • Quantic Dreams claims they lost 10M euro on used games
  • 3DS sales jump 260% following price drop
  • Syndicate reboot finally confirmed and unveiled by EA

Finally, the Question of the Week: What was the most disappointing remake or reboot of a game you’ve played? All that and Reader Feedback, too.

Last Day for 3DS AmbassadorsLast Day for 3DS Ambassadors

Today is the last day for Nintendo 3DS users to sign up as a 3DS Ambassador to qualify for 20 free games.

From Nintendo:

Today (Aug. 11) is the last day for current Nintendo 3DS owners to register for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador program. Just connect your Nintendo 3DS to the Nintendo eShop by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time to receive 20 free downloadable games.

The offer is due to the recent price slash of the 3DS.

Episode 225: Voodoo DoughnutsEpisode 225: Voodoo Doughnuts

We’re back this week, as a ton of major news has hit in the past week. Paul starts going insane over doughnuts, Nintendo, and Max Dominic. There’s no gaming history or gaming flashback this week, but a ton of reader feedback.

This week’s news items include:

  • Nintendo in deep financial trouble
  • Diablo III requires constant internet connection
  • Tribes Ascend developer states free-to-play on 360 is “inevitable
  • Gamestop offering in-store purchases of Deus Ex: Human Revolution digital download
  • Xbox co-creator brags “consoles have won!”

This week’s question of the week: Do you wait for a price cut before buying a console system? Let us know.