Category: Nintendo Switch

Episode 470: The Sims 4 Contest Part 2Episode 470: The Sims 4 Contest Part 2

The The Sims 4 contest is still going on this week, with the winner to be announced in Episode 471. The crew gets back to discussing news, but as is usual, it’s a light week in July.

This week’s news items include:

  • Starcraft Remastered is coming in August in 4K
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes spark pay-to-win fears
  • Only main player will progress in Far Cry 5 story
  • Destiny 2’s getting rid of random perk rolls for loot and the response is divided
  • Nintendo Switch Virtual Console will be the only way you can play certain Super Mario games

Again, The Sims 4 Contest is only eligible for US entrants.

Episode 461: Messy Effect: AndromedaEpisode 461: Messy Effect: Andromeda

This week’s episode, which has been posted a little late due to life interruptions, has Jonah ranting about Mass Effect Andromeda, which T.J. and Scott pine for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wind.

This week’s news includes:

  • Report: JoyCon wireless issues caused by “manufacturing variation”
  • There is a way to transfer Switch save data, Nintendo just doesn’t want you to know
  • Alexander the Great will lead Macedon in Civilization 6

Let us know what you think.

Episode 460: PAX East 2017 RecapEpisode 460: PAX East 2017 Recap

Jonah Falcon is finally back from PAX East 2017, and related his experiences at the convention. Somehow, T.J.’s musings on Dune and the origins of Mini-Me come up during the discussion. Among the games discussed are Snake Pass, Earthfall, Dauntless, and Yonder.

There’s also some news discussed:

  • Payday owner Starbreeze to publish System Shock 3
  • Switch stock and sellouts could be a problem for Nintendo

Let us know what you think and post in the comments!

Episode 458: Dark Souls the Board GameEpisode 458: Dark Souls the Board Game

This week’s episode features a report by Jonah Falcon from Toy Fair NY, raving about the co-op board gane version of Dark Souls. T.J. continues to rave about Nioh and Scott texted while the podcast was going on, but you’ll have to wait for an outtakes episode to hear that story.

This week’s news includes:

  • Square Enix may have accidentally announced NieR: Automata‘s PC release date
  • Ed Boon would entertain the possibility of Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat crossover
  • Dragon Quest Heroes I and II too big for Switch drive

Let us know what you think.

Episode 454: Rather Die Than SwitchEpisode 454: Rather Die Than Switch

Gaming Podcast is back after the one week break, and finally truly weighs in on the announcement of the Switch – and aren’t impressed. What does impress the crew is the latest addition to the survival horror genre, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, which takes the radical approach of being a survival horror game. They also ponder about how great a Zelda/Minecraft game would be.

The next episode will be Gaming Podcast’s 10th anniversary, so longtime listeners are encouraged to write in.

Episode 453: Videogame Piss-TakeEpisode 453: Videogame Piss-Take

Unfortunately, there’s no Donald Trump in this podcast – you’ll have to wait for an outtakes episode to listen to THAT discussion. However, there’s plenty of news culled from the past two weeks to enjoy.

The news includes:

  • Rumor: Beyond Good & Evil 2 Switch exclusive for first 12 months
  • ‘Game Mode’ for Windows 10 will power Xbox One and Project Scorpio games too
  • Square Enix strongly hints at Dragon Quest XI heading west
  • Xbox boss says Microsoft will still “take risks” after Scalebound cancellation

Let us know what you think.

Episode 449: More Technical DifficultiesEpisode 449: More Technical Difficulties

For the second week in a row, the podcast has had some technical issues. This time the problem was less, but there are still present. Part of the reason is that the mic is subpar, the other is that the PC it’s being recorded on has a damaged fan. That said, this week’s episode (and the unreleased episode) were really good. The unpublished one will be issued at some future date when we all need a break (maybe over the Christmas week.)

This week’s episode includes:

  • Assassin’s Creed 3 goes free, murders Ubisoft servers in the process
  • After Blizzard shutdown, legacy World of Warcraft server returns this month
  • Halo 5: Forge custom game browser is launching on PC this week
  • Report: Nintendo Switch will get GameCube Games

Let us know what your favorite 2016 game has been.

Episode 447: More Nintendo Switch NewsEpisode 447: More Nintendo Switch News

The Nintendo Switch is looming on us all, and more rumors from trusted sources are popping up. We also reminisce about music from the Jet Grind Radio games and talk about the timing of Titanfall 2 sucked.

This week’s news includes:

  • 6 of the biggest rumors Nintendo Switch rumors
  • EA pursuing development of an open-world game
  • Dead Rising 4 removes campaign co-op

Let us know if you’re going to buy a Nintendo Switch.

Episode 444: Civilization SexyEpisode 444: Civilization Sexy

The new episode was recorded last Wednesday but only posted now due to server issues. In this edition, Jonah, T.J., and Scott all geek out about Civilization VI. They also weigh in fully about the newly revealed Nintendo Switch, and speculate on whether it’s going to be a purchase. (Short answer: depends on how much it costs.)

This week’s news items include:

  • Bethesda says “no more” to advance game reviews
  • Nintendo pins financial hopes on selling 2 million Switch consoles at launch
  • Microsoft announces a VR headset for $299

This week’s Question of the Week: “Are you ready for VR?”

Episode 443: Nintendo Pulls a SwitchEpisode 443: Nintendo Pulls a Switch

So, this episode covers that fact that Nintendo is about to announce their next device, which they did earlier today: the Nintendo NX is now called the Nintendo Switch. The official Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer was also unveiled today too, and the multiplayer aspect is discussed. Jonah advises TJ and Scott to try The Stanley Parable as well.

This week’s news includes:

  • Dishonored dev’s The Crossing, put on hold in 2009, gets a new trademark filing
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 announced for Xbox One and PS4, but not PC
  • Voice actors threaten strike against EA, Activision, and nine other companies
  • Grand Theft Auto 5‘s exploding Note 7 mod video yanked from YouTube by Samsung

All this and two Questions of the Week!