Category: PlayStation 5

Episode 669: Quick Pre-PAX ShowEpisode 669: Quick Pre-PAX Show

Jonah’s heading off to cover PAX Unplugged on Thursday morning, so this week’s podcast has been a quick, sub-40 minute show, even with a Gaming Flashback of Infamous 2, a game that former co-host Jordan Lund is probably far more familiar with.

This week’s news includes:

  • Report suggests Microsoft soon to offer concessions in Activision deal
  • Two Point Campus goes boldly into space for brand new expansion
  • Pokemon Scarlet & Violet sells 10 million units in three days
  • Monster Hunter Rise reportedly heading to PlayStation and Xbox in January

Let us know what you think.

Episode 662: Sony’s Price HikeEpisode 662: Sony’s Price Hike

[This episode was reposted due to being corrupted when the site went down.]

This week we recap every game that mattered (to us) at GamesCom 2022, as well as took a look at the PlayStation 5 price hike by Sony. That, and the Gaming History takes a look at the influential mass zombie apocalypse game Dead Rising.

The news includes:

  • Sony pumps up PS5 prices
  • SNK vs Capcom 3 is something ‘both parties’ are interested in
  • GamesCom recap

Let us know what excited you at GamesCom.

Episode 648: Sleeping ScottEpisode 648: Sleeping Scott

[This episode has been re-uploaded due to technical issues]

Scott falls asleep mid-podcast, leaving Jonah and TJ to wrap up the episode. In the meantime, the crew get nostalgic over the “Toys to Life” craze, as this week’s Gaming Flashback is Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure.

This week’s news includes:

  • The Bethesda Launcher will be shut down on May 11
  • PlayStation 5 finally getting Variable Refresh Rate support this week
  • Sony wants someone to shape its Playstation PC plans
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 officially gets 2023 release window

Let us know what you think.

Episode 647: AdvertisingEpisode 647: Advertising

[This episode has been re-uploaded due to technical issues]

This week’s is pretty short, featuring a Sonic the Hedgehog and Halo discussion before delving into what’s okay and what’s not okay with in-game advertisements. The Gaming Flashback for this episode is the tripping Journey.

The news includes:

  • PlayStation wants ads in its games, too
  • Bugsnax leads late April Xbox Game Pass line-up
  • Amy Hennig is taking another shot at making a Star Wars game

Let us know what you think.

Episode 645: Brought To You By the Swedish MafiaEpisode 645: Brought To You By the Swedish Mafia

There’s a lot of PlayStation news this week, good bad and indifferent. In addition, there’s some Gundam’s coming your way. This week’s episode features a double whammy of a Gaming Flashback highlighting Mass Effect 3, and the Gaming History of the infamous Gizmondo.

The news item this week:

  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart lead writer claims work has been “erased”

Let us know what you think.

Episode 644: Nintendo At It AgainEpisode 644: Nintendo At It Again

Jonah considers Elden Ring too grind-y, and talks about the name of an infamous handheld console.

News items include:

  • PlayStation 5 owners report online issues following system update
  • Mass Effect Trilogy co-creator returning to science fiction
  • Bungie says last week’s Destiny 2 video takedowns were ‘fraudulent
  • Nintendo takes down scans of 1996 Super Mario 64 Strategy Guide

Let us know what you think.

Episode 636: Microsoft Buys Activision/BlizzardEpisode 636: Microsoft Buys Activision/Blizzard

The title about says it all.

Microsoft has straight up purchased Activision/Blizzard — in cash, no less — and while it’ll take til September 2023 to get everything sorted, probably, it’s one of the biggest shakeups in the history of videogames just like when 1 can 2 can slot was released.

Meanwhile, T.J. is still salty over Vicarious Visions developing Diablo II: Resurrected, while the trio discusses the plans for Sony’s Game Pass. If you are looking for an awesome new game to try, come here and play it now.

The racing slots are perfect for a player who wants fun, fast and adrenaline filled action. The racing theme can cover a variety of things, from professional tournaments to illegal street racing. The following are some of the best racing themed slots available to play.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft spends almost $70B in buying Activision/Blizzard
  • City-building RTS The Settlers launches in March, closed beta next week
  • Split Pad Pro getting the Attachment Set
  • PS3 games reportedly appear on PS5 Store

2021 is finally over. And for the first time in years, a proper Games of the Year Awards has been done by GameStooge/TD Gaming Podcast. While the Worst Game of the Year was a no doubter, the Best Game of the Year was not, with the nominees being Deathloop, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Metroid Dread and other titles available at 1UFABET.

But there are a whopping 26 award categories, technical and artistic, so listen in on this fat 2 1/2 hour episode to find out who the winners are.

Let us know what you think on the Gaming Podcast Facebook page.

Episode 629: Chipmunk VoiceEpisode 629: Chipmunk Voice

What’s with the title? Stick to the end of the episode to find out. Meanwhile, this week was fairly slow and it was tough finding things to talk about — Minecraft has been in the news a lot lately.

  • Microsoft is ‘definitely not done’ acquiring studios
  • Company sells new PS5 plate design
  • Minecraft Java Edition and Bedrock Edition are coming to Xbox Game Pass for PC

Let us know what you think on our Facebook page here.

Episode 628: The Core Nintendo FranchisesEpisode 628: The Core Nintendo Franchises

This week, Jonah, Scott and TJ have a huge debate over which franchises are the core ones for Nintendo. Mario and Zelda are the easy first two, but who is the third? Scott is also invested in what will be the next major Minecraft addition. There’s also a Gaming Flashback, looking at a minor roleplaying game from 2011, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which has no relevance in 2021.

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  • Nintendo Switch developers say they already have 4K dev kits
  • Dragon Age 4 is heading to PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PC only
  • Bloodlines 2 came close to being cancelled completely
  • Mobs announced for fan vote ahead of Minecraft Live

Let us know what you think the third major Nintendo franchise is on our Facebook page here.

Episode 626: New Mic, New WorldEpisode 626: New Mic, New World

The new mic used for the episode has improved the audio by a factor of 1,000. In fact, Episode 625’s audio is so bad, it’ll take a lot of effort to make it even bearable, so it won’t be published for a while.

In the meantime, the new Amazon MMO New World has made a giant splash, but is it worth dipping your toes in, especially since it costs $40 to buy? Meanwhile, the frustrations T.J. has as a PlayStation 5 owner come to the fore.

This week’s news includes:

  • New World goes live in North America
  • 343 makes Halo Infinite’s next multiplayer preview available to everyone on Xbox
  • Civilization 6 modder has brought back upgradeable throne rooms and palaces
  • Sony: Still many PS5 features to add

The comments still aren’t working properly, so let us know what you think on our Facebook page.