Category: RTS

Episode 717: Fake Xbox LiveEpisode 717: Fake Xbox Live

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This week, the gang follows up on Tim Sweeney from last week, and also discuss Dark Souls 2 modding, the “photorealistic” ant RTS Empire of the Ants, and Resident Evil 4 Remake crossing 7 million copies sold.

The news also includes:

  • Saber Interactive confirms “a number of titles” still in development
  • Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection players tear into Aspyr
  • Halo 2 online matchmaking returns in March thanks to community modders

Let us know what you think.

The post Episode 717: Fake Xbox Live first appeared on Gaming Podcast.

Episode 717: Fake Xbox LiveEpisode 717: Fake Xbox Live

This week, the gang follows up on Tim Sweeney from last week, and also discuss Dark Souls 2 modding, the “photorealistic” ant RTS Empire of the Ants, and Resident Evil 4 Remake crossing 7 million copies sold.

The news also includes:

  • Saber Interactive confirms “a number of titles” still in development
  • Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection players tear into Aspyr
  • Halo 2 online matchmaking returns in March thanks to community modders

Let us know what you think.

Episode 705: Commercial BlissEpisode 705: Commercial Bliss

The first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer dropped, and it has been viewed well over 110M times since. There is much more news post-Game Awards, including Vampire Survivors, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and a ton of demos dropping on Xbox.

The news includes:

  • Stormgate launches Kickstarter campaign
  • Final Fantasy 16 director teases two-episode DLC will expand Clive’s story
  • GTA 6 will release on Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 in 2025
  • Report: Embattled Bungie management insist fans ‘still like us’

Let us know what you think.

Episode 667: Milestone 500Episode 667: Milestone 500

The Videogame Roundtable has recorded its 500th episode, finally. This is the third attempt. The first was only partially recorded, while the next one was not recorded at all. Appended to this podcast is the partially recorded podcast which had former co-host Jordan Lund.

The news includes:

  • Phil Spencer ‘excited‘ at the idea of more StarCraft
  • Sony’s PSVR 2 gets a high price and a close release date
  • AMD announces $999 RX 7900 XTX and $899 RX 7900 XT
  • Hyped mystery Square Enix game turns out to be NFT junk
  • Suda51 and SWERY file new trademark for Hotel Barcelona horror game
  • Pokemon Scarlet & Violet linking with Pokemon Go confirmed for 2023

Let us know how long you’ve been listening to the podcast!

Episode 636: Microsoft Buys Activision/BlizzardEpisode 636: Microsoft Buys Activision/Blizzard

The title about says it all.

Microsoft has straight up purchased Activision/Blizzard — in cash, no less — and while it’ll take til September 2023 to get everything sorted, probably, it’s one of the biggest shakeups in the history of videogames just like when 1 can 2 can slot was released.

Meanwhile, T.J. is still salty over Vicarious Visions developing Diablo II: Resurrected, while the trio discusses the plans for Sony’s Game Pass. If you are looking for an awesome new game to try, come here and play it now.

The racing slots are perfect for a player who wants fun, fast and adrenaline filled action. The racing theme can cover a variety of things, from professional tournaments to illegal street racing. The following are some of the best racing themed slots available to play.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft spends almost $70B in buying Activision/Blizzard
  • City-building RTS The Settlers launches in March, closed beta next week
  • Split Pad Pro getting the Attachment Set
  • PS3 games reportedly appear on PS5 Store

2021 is finally over. And for the first time in years, a proper Games of the Year Awards has been done by GameStooge/TD Gaming Podcast. While the Worst Game of the Year was a no doubter, the Best Game of the Year was not, with the nominees being Deathloop, Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Metroid Dread and other titles available at 1UFABET.

But there are a whopping 26 award categories, technical and artistic, so listen in on this fat 2 1/2 hour episode to find out who the winners are.

Let us know what you think on the Gaming Podcast Facebook page.

Episode 489: Late to the PartyEpisode 489: Late to the Party

This week’s episode is a little late due to a power outage. However, despite the lack of really interesting news, the crew still finds plenty to chat about.

This week’s news includes:

  • Switch outsells entire lifetime of Wii U in Japan
  • The Tomb Kings bring crazy new units and crafting to Total War: Warhammer 2
  • State of Decay 2 is still on for a spring release
  • Rebellion buys studio Radiant Worlds

The Question of the Week is, “What popular game did you play long after its initial release?”

Episode 475: Sterling ReviewsEpisode 475: Sterling Reviews

This week’s episode is 50% longer as the first 20 minutes or so are devoted to the reaction to Jim Sterling’s explosive review of Hellblade and his subsequent recanting later that day. This week has no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there are six news items to make up for it.

The items include:

  • EA talks about Nintendo Switch support
  • Rainbow Six: Siege “Operation Blood Orchid” update launches August 29
  • Myth-inspired RTS Deadhold charges into Early Access later this month
  • No Man’s Sky “Atlas Rises” update adds story content and “limited” online co-op
  • EA says Star Wars: Battlefront “lacked long-term goals”
  • Moons of Madness is Lovecraftian horror on Mars

Let us know what you think.

Episode 471: Nintendo’s LawyersEpisode 471: Nintendo’s Lawyers

Nintendo is the main focus of this week’s episode, but we can’t discuss the company too much or they’ll sic their lawyers on the podcast. Other than that, there’s plenty of safe things to discuss.

This week’s episode includes:

  • Evil Genius 2 in development at Rebellion
  • Nobody can find the source code for Icewind Dale II
  • Breath of the Wild players will learn more about Zelda in The Champions’ Ballad DLC
  • Where are all the Nintendo Switch game ports?

Also, learn about who won the contest, which was decided by the roll of a die.

Episode 470: The Sims 4 Contest Part 2Episode 470: The Sims 4 Contest Part 2

The The Sims 4 contest is still going on this week, with the winner to be announced in Episode 471. The crew gets back to discussing news, but as is usual, it’s a light week in July.

This week’s news items include:

  • Starcraft Remastered is coming in August in 4K
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes spark pay-to-win fears
  • Only main player will progress in Far Cry 5 story
  • Destiny 2’s getting rid of random perk rolls for loot and the response is divided
  • Nintendo Switch Virtual Console will be the only way you can play certain Super Mario games

Again, The Sims 4 Contest is only eligible for US entrants.

Episode 463: Not an April Fool’s EpisodeEpisode 463: Not an April Fool’s Episode

This week’s episode has nothing to do with April Fool’s Day, since that was a week ago. There’s nothing surprising about the crew this time around, though Jonah does finally give his final (?) thoughts on Mass Effect: Andromeda, and Zelda keeps getting heavy praise. The Persona 5 news item alone spurred a ton of debate.

This week’s episode includes the following news:

  • Twitch and YouTube streamers slam Persona 5‘s video policy
  • Total War: Warhammer 2 announced with a new trailer
  • Valve only wants to sell you good games
  • Nintendo might have accidentally revealed that Pokemon is coming to the Switch

Let us know what you think of the heated discussions in the episode.