Category: Steam

Episode 532: Devil May CareEpisode 532: Devil May Care

This week’s episode takes a look at the excitement caused by Devil May Cry 5, as well as some more discussion about upcoming games.

The news includes:

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC might have just been leaked by Microsoft
  • Microsoft’s ‘Xbox One S All-Digital Edition’ leaked
  • Government official wonders how Steam can ‘get away with this kind of stupidity’ after rape game is removed
  • Rainbow Six Siege‘s next operator will be invisible to cameras, leak suggests

Let us know what you think.

Episode 527: Technical IssuesEpisode 527: Technical Issues

This week’s episode has minor audio issues, but otherwise is okay. Most of the talk is about the Resident Evil 2 remake, and how it’s taken over the world. The crew also discuss the latest Gathering Storm civ, Phoenicia.

The news of the week includes:

  • Capcom shipped 3 million units of Resident Evil 2
  • Valve calls exclusive Metro Exodus deal with Epic “unfair” to Steam customers
  • American McGee confirmed to be working on Alice 3 story, art and design
  • Fallout 76 Survival Mode – PVP Beta starting in March

Let us know what kind of game you want to see remade.

Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!

This is the last podcast of 2018, and the next episode will be our Games of the Year announcement. Until then, we snark at Pewdiepie, and check some of the news ending the year.

This week’s news includes:

  • Steam Xbox One cross-play tools hinted
  • Americans can get Assassin’s Creed Odyssey free from Google
  • Discord Store to offer developers 90 percent of game revenues
  • Inca announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

Let us know what your Game of the Year is.

Episode 523: Valve Running Out of SteamEpisode 523: Valve Running Out of Steam

Valve continues to have problems in the wake of Epic (and now Discord) giving developers more of the earnings pie, as the year draws to a close. Meanwhile, T.J. explains his gamertag.

This week’s episode includes the following news items:

  • Developers do not believe Steam is worth it anymore
  • Canada announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
  • Studio Wildcard’s Atlas is delayed by a week
  • Rainbow Six Siege chat filter and toxicity update

Let us know what your favorite game of 2018 was.

Episode 522: Civving UpEpisode 522: Civving Up

This week’s episode is full of industry news in the wake of The Game Awards. There wasn’t many news items but there was plenty to talk about with the Awards, especially with this week’s Gaming Flashback, Unlimited Adventures.

This week’s news items include:

Let us know what you think.

Episode 510: Red Dead SurpriseEpisode 510: Red Dead Surprise

This week’s episode didn’t initially have a Gaming Flashback, but the crew accidentally started one with 2010’s Red Dead Redemption, which shouldn’t be a flashback since it fails the “10 Year Rule”, but it was so fun to talk about, it became one. They also found some interesting stuff in a thin-news week, which is the usual for Summer.

The news includes:

  • Valve adds temporary fix for fake item scams on Steam
  • Halo devs not working on Battle Royale mode for Infinite
  • Nintendo Switch sales near 20m, down slightly on last year
  • Playground Games staffs up for the rumored Fable reboot

Let us know what you think.

Episode 503: Battlefield LadyEpisode 503: Battlefield Lady

This week, TD Gaming Podcast talks about Battlefield V and how a certain part of the gamer population completely lost their minds over it. There was also a half-hour discussion of Second Life, shoot-em-up, and developer Treasure, with web searches and aimless conversation that went nowhere.

This week’s news:

  • The Steam Link Mobile App has been blocked by Apple
  • Killer7 is coming to Steam this Fall
  • The Wolf Among Us 2 coming in 2019
  • Mega Man X-inspired roguelike 20XX coming to consoles
  • WWII-themed Battlefield V drops October 19, abandons paid expansion model

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Episode 485: Review BombingEpisode 485: Review Bombing

This week’s episode is unremarkable. Don’t expect any surprise guests or news, just a lot of chatting about comics and wandering way off the topic of video games.

The news items for the week are:

  • Valve implements methods to curtail Steam review bombing
  • Matsuda insists Deus Ex not being discontinued
  • Star Citizen releases new video, makes another $500K in a Day
  • Kamiya wants to work on Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe remakes

Let us know what you think.

E3 2017 Preview: Bloody ZombiesE3 2017 Preview: Bloody Zombies

VR has become a major buzzword around the videogame industry these days. For the past few E3 conferences, there have been whole sections of the floor devoted to people strapping on headsets and playing first person titles where you rock climb or pilot a spaceship. Other times you’re running in a foot race like the intriguing title Sprint Vector that I demoed at the show.


Then there’s Bloody Zombies, developed by Paw Print Games and published by nDreams, which hints at an alternative future for VR gaming.


Episode 466: Kill This Kitten For FunEpisode 466: Kill This Kitten For Fun

This episode continues to have some audio issues thanks to Jonah leaving his expensive headset back in Los Angeles, forcing him to use his iPad once again as a mic. However, this week’s episode is chock full of game goodness.

This week’s episode includes the following news items:

  • Dragon Quest XI battle system further detailed
  • Overwatch has earned Activision Blizzard over $1 billion in less than a year
  • Steam changes cross-country gifting and gift trading
  • DOTA 2 is getting a co-op campaign with a story

Let us know what you think.