Category: Steam

Episode 463: Not an April Fool’s EpisodeEpisode 463: Not an April Fool’s Episode

This week’s episode has nothing to do with April Fool’s Day, since that was a week ago. There’s nothing surprising about the crew this time around, though Jonah does finally give his final (?) thoughts on Mass Effect: Andromeda, and Zelda keeps getting heavy praise. The Persona 5 news item alone spurred a ton of debate.

This week’s episode includes the following news:

  • Twitch and YouTube streamers slam Persona 5‘s video policy
  • Total War: Warhammer 2 announced with a new trailer
  • Valve only wants to sell you good games
  • Nintendo might have accidentally revealed that Pokemon is coming to the Switch

Let us know what you think of the heated discussions in the episode.

Episode 438: League of DenzerEpisode 438: League of Denzer

As Jonah and T.J. chide Scott for going into an F-bomb rage over the iPhone’s price, the holiday season looms, and T.J. talks about his renewed relationship with League of Legends.

This week’s news items include:

  • All Battlefield 4 expansions are free until next week
  • Sony confirms layoffs at London, San Diego Studios
  • Valve tackles dodgy devs cheating Steam review scores
  • League of Legends surpasses 100 million monthly players

All this and one Listener Feedbnack we didn’t get around to listening to, so wait til next week.

Episode 422: Pop CultureEpisode 422: Pop Culture

This week’s a lot of discussion of comic book movies, including the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War”. In fact, it dominates most of the podcast. However, there is some discussion of video games.

This week’s news includes:

  • Free money suddenly showed up in some people’s Steam accounts
  • “Obviously there’s going to be another Borderlands,” says Gearbox
  • Rumor: Nintendo NX to be officially revealed this or next week
  • Rumor: Xbox One upgrade under development at Microsoft

Question of the Week: “Would you buy a updated console like the PlayStation 4.5 or Xbox One and a Half?”

Episode 408: Star Wars SpoilersEpisode 408: Star Wars Spoilers

It’s 2016, and the first podcast of the new year is now live. Be warned, there are Star Wars spoilers like Han Solo dying and the entire plot being a rehash of A New Hope, so don’t listen if you don’t want to have your The Force Awakens experience ruined.

This week’s podcast covers the following news:

  • Valve explains Steam issues on December 25
  • Star Wars Battlefront won’t be doing The Force Awakens or space battles content
  • New pachinko laws pushes SNK back to videogames

Question of the Week: “Which game do you really want to play in 2016.”

Episode 407: Third Time’s the CharmEpisode 407: Third Time’s the Charm

If you’re wondering where the podcast has been, it’s been in technical hell. Twice the podcast was recorded each week, and both times there were serious technical issues. This time, we’ve got it right, and even have Paul dropping by to discuss his new book, “Gaymers: the Difference a ‘Y’ Makes: How (and Why) to Make Video Games LGBT Players Care About“. Actually, it’s mostly dominated by a discussion of an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

Otherwise, the news items include:

The Question of the Week: “Who is your favorite superhero?”

Episode 401: Intentionally LateEpisode 401: Intentionally Late

This week’s episode was deliberately delayed because there will be a new day we record: Friday, which means the podcasts will be released on Saturday or Sunday. Therefore, the Dr. Who episode preceding this gave us a little space, and now this podcast will be setting the stage for future episodes.

This week’s news includes:

  • Rumor: Caveman game teased by Ubisoft leaked as Far Cry Primal
  • Steam Sections coming to major videogame retailers this November
  • Sony: “Climate is not healthy” for a new PlayStation handheld
  • LEGO Dimensions outsells Skylanders Superchargers and Disney Infinity 3.0
  • Fan turns to the crowd for Pokemon PAX party settlement

Write in the comments and let us know what you think.

Episode 396: Getting TargetedEpisode 396: Getting Targeted

This week’s episode is very long to make up for the crappiness of last week’s episode, and the crew have fun with the trolling of Target critics this past week.

The news this week includes:

  • Guillermo del Toro quits videogame development
  • There is no suspend feature for Steam Machines
  • Gamescom sets attendance record
  • Chinese console crowdfunding project manages to rip off PS4 and Xbox One

This and Listener Feedback.

Episode 387: Some FalloutEpisode 387: Some Fallout

This podcast was recorded on short notice, so it’s on the short side. It’s also a little dated, since the Fallout 4 news was going to be announced the next day at the recording, and the publishing is a day after it’s official reveal. There’s an actual Gaming Flashback this week, with Destroy All Humans!, which shockingly Paul never played.

The news in this podcast includes:

  • Indie dev discusses where the money goes
  • Fallout 4 announcement coming June 3
  • New Steam refunds policy makes some devs concerned

All this and Listener Feeedback.

Episode 337: GlamourEpisode 337: Glamour

The podcast is back, with a healthier Jonah joining Jordan. No Dan or Paul however.

The news:

  • Hitman Project reportedly canceled, Square Enix responds
  • Alienware Steam Machine priced ‘very competitive’ with PS4, Xbox One
  • Nintendo must pay royalties for every 3DS following court ruling
  • Sony announces PlayStation Now for streaming older games
  • Gabe Newell reacts to Xbox One and Steambox comparison

Question of the Week: “What are you most looking forward to in 2014?”

Episode 331: Videogame Music TimeEpisode 331: Videogame Music Time

This week’s episode has a long discussion on videogame music of the past, while Jonah discusses Batman: Arkham Origins and iPad adaptations of board games.

This week’s news includes:

  • Surprises found in the PS4 FAQ
  • Xbox One will support DLNA, MP3 and audio CD
  • Valve working to make offline mode indefinite
  • Nintendo: We have failed to establish Wii U as a “worthy” Wii successor
  • Wii U bundle announced

This week’s Question of the Week is: “What was your favorite videogame music?”