Category: Xbox One

Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!

This is the last podcast of 2018, and the next episode will be our Games of the Year announcement. Until then, we snark at Pewdiepie, and check some of the news ending the year.

This week’s news includes:

  • Steam Xbox One cross-play tools hinted
  • Americans can get Assassin’s Creed Odyssey free from Google
  • Discord Store to offer developers 90 percent of game revenues
  • Inca announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

Let us know what your Game of the Year is.

Episode 512: Heating UpEpisode 512: Heating Up

As Fall approaches, more info on exciting games are starting to trickle in. That, and Jonah talks about how he’s going to Power Morphicon to cover stuff for his upcoming new show.

Otherwise, the news this week includes:

  • Patrick Stewart will narrate My Memory of Us
  • Jagged Alliance: Rage! announced
  • Deep Silver’s Outward coming February 12
  • Dark Souls coming to Nintendo Switch on Oct. 19

Let us know what you think.

Episode 509: Heatwave LAEpisode 509: Heatwave LA

This week was a hot time for Jonah — really hot time as Los Angeles was sweltering and the Arctic was literally on fire. However, that didn’t stop the crew from doing the podcast (albeit a day late), though the news was a bit thin again.

The news items for the week include:

  • The C64 Mini is coming to North America on October 9
  • Datamined logo offers more evidence Taiko Drum Master for Switch is coming West
  • Next Xbox will focus on “XCloud” game streaming
  • GOG: Classic console games “might be possible”

The Question of the Week: “What little known game did you love?”

Episode 506: E3 Swag and Sony SagEpisode 506: E3 Swag and Sony Sag

This episode follows the three hour long E3 episode, but there was so much E3 to talk about, a lot of the show spilled over into this show, including the crew talking about the swag Jonah sent to them, and Sony’s “winning” of E3 in terms of media attention. There was going to be a Gaming History, but the episode ran long and they weren’t going to have a two hour podcast after a three hour one.

The news of the week includes:

  • Microsoft and Nintendo troll Sony over crossplay
  • Bethesda lawsuit says Westworld game stole Fallout Shelter code
  • Microsoft and Razer are working on Xbox keyboard and mouse support
  • Nintendo Switch could get its own new Monster Hunter games
  • Life is Strange 2 Episode One release date revealed

There was some Listener Feedback to last week’s episode, too.

Episode 505: 3 Hours Of E3Episode 505: 3 Hours Of E3

This week’s episode is three hours long — Jonah’s mic was moving in the first minute, but after that, it’s ok. There’s no news, just discussion of each of the press briefings that preceded E3, as well as some of the games that Jonah got hands-on time with. TJ is sad that he didn’t get to attend this year, while Scott is getting E3 swag.

Next week, back to news items!

Episode 499: A Long DelayEpisode 499: A Long Delay

Yeah, we recorded this on April 2 and are just releasing this on April 12 — because during this time Jonah went to PAX East, then visited his mother in NYC, and things have calmed down about now. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the overly cute LittleBigPlanet… and to think it was a major topic of conversation in the early days of the podcast. How time has passed.

This week’s news items include:

  • You can play de_dust2 in Far Cry Arcade
  • No Man’s Sky coming to Xbox One later this year

You’d think that wouldn’t be enough news for 90 minutes, but that’s ok. We go off on tangents all the time.

Episode 498: Part Men, Part Games, All PodcastEpisode 498: Part Men, Part Games, All Podcast

This week’s podcast is a little late thanks to life interrupting, but better late than never. We discuss the Gaming Flashback, Robocop, and other weird tangeants that have nothing to do with videogames.

The news this week includes:

  • PUBG is “considering” region-locked servers
  • Rare cancels planned Sea of Thieves “death cost” after player complaints
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 leak teases Battle Royale Mode

All this and Listener Feedback.

Episode 496: Two Becomes ThreeEpisode 496: Two Becomes Three

This week starts with two hosts and mysteriously turns into three without any warning. It’s scary. Otherwise, this week’s Gaming Flashback is the source of scorn from the hosts: Spore. Yes, SimEverything was SimDisappointing. Listen in and find out why.

The news for this week includes:

  • Xbox head tweets support of PS4/Xbox One crossplay on Fortnite
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2 has already sold 500,000 copies
  • Writer Drew Karpyshyn leaves BioWare for a second time

Let us know what you think.

Episode 483: Rolling OnesEpisode 483: Rolling Ones

This week’s podcast has been seriously delayed due to Jonah’s computer going belly up, then having to deal with reinstalling everything. Not to worry, however, since everything on the old hard drive was saved, learn more at If that weren’t enough, Jonah is enjoying his new Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition.

The news of the week includes:

  • EA responds to community criticism of Battlefront 2 unlock system
  • L.A. Noire remaster requires 29GB, forcing Switch version to require MicroSD card
  • Physical media still “nation’s format of choice” for video games, says eBay
  • Xbox One S available for lowest price yet

If that weren’t enough, there’s about 30 minutes of outtakes we’re saving for the future as the gang talks about 2018. But that’s for an Outtakes episode.

Episode 482: NaptimeEpisode 482: Naptime

This particular episode becomes a little sleepy as one host actually falls asleep during recording. Guess which one. After last week’s episode only partially uploaded, the Gaming Flashback for Okami is actually an insert, too.

The news items include:

  • It’s a big week for new game releases on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC
  • Lego Dimensions comes to an early end after two years
  • Why Xbox One backward compatibility took so long
  • Ex-BioWare says Anthem is an example of EA’s monetization plans

Let us know what you think — without falling asleep first.