Tag: Activision

Episode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About MicrosoftEpisode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About Microsoft

There’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a crapton of news this week on TD Gaming Podcast, which Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund eagerly read.

That, and Jordan really wants to know what you have been playing.

The news this week includes:

  • Microsoft officially announces indie self-publishing, to be unveiled at GamesCom 2013
  • Phil Fish explodes on Twitter, cancels Fez II in a huff
  • Shadow of the Eternals back on Kickstarter, no longer episodic
  • Neil Gaiman has announced his first videogame, Wayward Manor
  • Lanning: Nintendo will be around for “100 years,” but probably not Zynga or Microsoft
  • Activision-Blizzard buys out $8.2B of its own stock from Vivendi
  • Paid subscribership of World of Warcraft down to 7.7M

All this and Listener feedback.

Episode 271: Paul-less PodcastEpisode 271: Paul-less Podcast

This week’s Gaming Podcast lacks Paul S. Nowak, who had to bow out due to illness, but there’s still Jonah Falcon, Jordan Lund and Daniel Quick to keep the podcast lively. This week features yet another weird NES title, Wall Street Kid, and some friendly Paul-less banter between the trio.

This week’s news includes:

  • Capcom: Street Fighter X Tekken DLC will never come to Xbox 360
  • Vivendi finding few buyers for Activision-Blizzard
  • Gearbox: “Wouldn’t be surprised” if more aggressive PC games start to appear
  • Grand Theft Auto V will support planes and jets, won’t have beta test

Jonah also startles Dan and Jordan with a “secret topic” with the $99 console, the Ouya, which leads to the Question of the Week, “Would you buy a $99 Android-based console?”

Episode 266: Get That E3 KickEpisode 266: Get That E3 Kick

Jonah Falcon and Paul S. Nowak return from the magical E3 2012 videogame convention and everyone has their own opinions on what they thought were the highlights and lowlights of E3. They also make their own predictions, as Dan Quick contemplates writing hate mail to Jonah for having access to SimCity and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

The podcast also features some great news, including:

  • THQ closes their San Diego Studio, sells the UFC license
  • Ubisoft states annual Assassin’s Creed releases funded AC3
  • Vivendi may sell Activision-Blizzard

There’s also some Reader Feedback, as well as the new Question of the Week, “What did you take away from E3?”

Gaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing PaulGaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing Paul

The listeners of Gaming Podcast finally get introduced to the third member of the Videogame Roundtable podcast team, Paul S. Nowak, who only desires hate mail and more time playing Dungeon Overlord on Facebook. This week, the Gaming Flashback looks back at the Gamecube title mentioned by Jordan Lund last week, Eternal Darkness, and the guys respond to the reader mail from episode 217, and if you’re interested in other types of games such as escape rooms you can visit the Room escape games in Portland Oregon just for this.

The trio also discuss the following news items:

  • Microsoft: Halo won’t be a yearly franchise
  • Analyst: Kinect appealed to “more hardcore” than expected
  • 2M users sign up for COD: Elite beta
  • Wizardry Online announced, will feature permadeath

This week’s Question of the Week: How much do you think the Wii U will cost? All this and more in this delightful podcast that will have you begging for more.

2M Users Sign Up for COD: Elite Beta2M Users Sign Up for COD: Elite Beta

Activision’s Dan Amrich posted in his One of Swords blog that two million users have signed up Call of Duty: Elite‘s beta, who said the number “blew his mind” when “they hit that number in less than two weeks. That should give the dev team at Beachhead plenty to work with to kick off the beta, which officially starts July 14.”

“The official start of the beta is a month away, so there’s still plenty of time for you to sign up. When the studio head at Beachhead said this would be a live beta, he was not kidding — your participation really can make a difference in how Elite evolves,” added Amrich, “And don’t be discouraged by the big number, thinking you shouldn’t bother because they already have enough people — two million volunteers among 30 million Call of Duty players is a small amount. More would be even better. Once you’ve signed up, just watch your email inbox for an invite.”

The 2M beta applications aren’t necessarily an endorsement for Elite. Rather, users are probably curious to see the beta and if it pleases them. The paid subscription portion reportedly only represents 10% of Elite, anyway, and is aimed at more “professional” and “hardcore” gamers, aka clans.

Users can apply for the beta here.

Gaming Podcast 207: Warm and FuzzyGaming Podcast 207: Warm and Fuzzy

This week’s gaming podcast, we’ve got 3DS coverage and we’re going to make sure you know it all before you guy. What are you getting, what’s the 3DS slider do? Why do you want this thing? Find out here! This weeks news:

  • Nintendo 3DS Price, Release Date Revealed
  • Unanswered 3DS Questions
  • Rumor: Sony to use serial keys and limited activation
  • Activision Claims EA Tampered With Infinity Ward
  • Investors “Wary” of Star Wars: The Old Republic

So, now you know everything you need to about the 3DS, really want one? Don’t have to answer that, but… Question of the Week: Are there any games you enjoy that require physical exertion?

Gaming Podcast 191: Puppy Mill of GamesGaming Podcast 191: Puppy Mill of Games

This week we’ve got all three hosts back to get down to business. This was a full show with lots of content from news, to flashbacks and listener game ideas. We didn’t get a history segment this week, we just had two much information to cover. Here is the news for the week:

This weeks gaming podcast question of the week: What do you think will spur on PC game developers, is it Microsoft’s concept of “showing developers there is a market” or do they need more inspiration?

Gaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and MoreGaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and More

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bit of the Microsoft Press E3 news, a tiny portion of our own opinions on Kinect and a slight bit of a gaming flashback on Beat ’em and Eat ’em, an Atari 2600 “game.” A game by any other name would have to be a porn… and that’s as close as we get to one. This weeks news includes:

Question of the week: Does Kinect sound more desirable with all the new information and rumored pricing make you consider the purchase?

Gaming Podcast 171: Hating On ConsolesGaming Podcast 171: Hating On Consoles

This week’s comments and conversations almost followed a common theme: console hating. The cast explains why they’re not really PC gaming anymore and the frustrations with PC gaming but admits the industry is extremely important.  This weeks news includes the following stories:

This weeks question of the week is this: Will gamer parents treat their kids differently in terms of what is acceptable in terms of video game selection, play time and other gaming related activities? Is our perspective that much different?

Gaming Podcast 168: Sixteen Dollar IncrementsGaming Podcast 168: Sixteen Dollar Increments

We’re back this week, and we’re busting through some news articles dealing with Electronic Arts, Activision, Warhammer and more. Community comments, feedback, flashback and game history. The news articles include:

Gaming flashback is R-Type, game history is Irem and the question of the week: Will the iPad steal market share from the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS product lines? Or mobile gaming in general?