Tag: E3

Episode 273: Flinging GutsEpisode 273: Flinging Guts

This week’s Gaming Podcast is a fairly routine one, with no Gaming Flashback or even a Question of the Week. However, this week features a ton of great news and industry discussion. Paul also announces that he will be unable to do the podcast in a few weeks for an extended period of time due to surgery.

The news items for the week includes:

  • Yoshida admits absence of Vita at E3 was a mistake
  • Irrational Games now includes 85+ Metacritic game requirement for employment
  • UbiSoft patches UPlay rootkit issue
  • Paradox Interactive announces dungeon builder Impire
  • EA: Current CEO John Riccitiello’s job is secure

All that plus Reader Feedback, check it out.

Episode 266: Get That E3 KickEpisode 266: Get That E3 Kick

Jonah Falcon and Paul S. Nowak return from the magical E3 2012 videogame convention and everyone has their own opinions on what they thought were the highlights and lowlights of E3. They also make their own predictions, as Dan Quick contemplates writing hate mail to Jonah for having access to SimCity and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

The podcast also features some great news, including:

  • THQ closes their San Diego Studio, sells the UFC license
  • Ubisoft states annual Assassin’s Creed releases funded AC3
  • Vivendi may sell Activision-Blizzard

There’s also some Reader Feedback, as well as the new Question of the Week, “What did you take away from E3?”

Episode 246: Computer SpecsEpisode 246: Computer Specs

CES 2012 is going strong, as Jonah and Jordan do tonight’s podcast without Paul, who is packing for a trip. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the notorious Custer’s Revenge, and a punch of intriguing news and rumors comprise this week’s topics:

  • Fallout MMO rights belong to Bethesda as Interplay settles
  • Pachter sez there’s “zero chance” of PS4 at E3 2012
  • Rumor: Next Xbox tablet-based?
  • Rumor: Kaz Hirai to return as president of Sony
  • Diablo III release held due to South Korea (from GameFront)

Plenty of Reader Feedback this week, which is good because we forgot to include a Question of the Week this time.

Episode 244: Goodbye 2011Episode 244: Goodbye 2011

It’s the final podcast of 2011, as Jonah, Jordan and Paul will not be podcasting next week. However, there’s plenty of news, reader feedback and a Gaming Flashback of the terrible PlayStation One game, Irritating Stick.

The news for this week includes:

  • EA selling virtual car for $100 in NFS World
  • Modern Warfare 3 beats Avatar
  • Naughty Dog: Move to next-gen is “terrifying
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic sales could already be 1.5M
  • Man sues Sony for ToS update forbidding suing
  • Nintendo only showing E3 Wii U demos at CES 2012

The question of the week is “What game are you most interested in for 2012?” Let us know what you think, and see you in 2012.

Episode 243: Bashing MicrosoftEpisode 243: Bashing Microsoft

The latest episode, which is on the short side after having a really long one two weeks ago, sees Paul returning from the flu with somewhat of a shady attitude this week. Meanwhile, the Gaming Flashback is the 1976 coin-op arcade game Blockade.

The news for this week includes:

  • Gabe Newell teases something for E3 2012 with a “3” in it
  • Richard Garriott working on Ultima successor
  • Microsoft includes “do not class action sue us” clause for Xbox Live
  • Bizarre circumstances surround GSC Game World

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite handheld game?”

E3 2011 Preview SummariesE3 2011 Preview Summaries

You might notice that I’ve been pretty silent on E3 2011 previews, despite hustling around the entire time. That is because I’ve been writing almost all of them for Strategy Informer.

So, those of you who are regulars at Gaming Podcast – and judging by hits, there are tons of you – here are excerpts of the previews I’ve written for Strategy Informer for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 titles, plus a link to the full article.

UbiSoft’s Pre-E3 Briefing:

At the briefing, they showed off the following games: Rayman Origins, Driver: San Francisco, Far Cry 3, Brothers In Arms: The Furious Four, The Adventures of Tintin, Ghost Recon: Future Warrior, Trackmania 2, Raving Rabbids: Alive & Kicking, Just Dance 3, Rocksmith, Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 and Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. (Read more…)

Dead Island (PC, PS3, 360):

Getting back to the mood of the game, missions are similarly realistic and grim. Nothing in the game seems artificially tacked on; the flow and the suspension of disbelief are extremely well done. During a mission, sometimes you’ll rescue another survivor and they will have a mission for you to do right there in the middle of your current quest. You can opt to help them, ignore them, or even screw them by driving them off in their vehicle. This is survival, and sometimes, jjust sometimes, you may give in to temptations to make choices that will make you normally wince. It’s a zombie dog eats zombie dog world and in the middle of an apocalypse, sometimes you have to fortify your own safety at the expense of another. (Read more…)


RUMOR MILL: Wii 2 Controllers to Have Cameras?RUMOR MILL: Wii 2 Controllers to Have Cameras?

Some leaked documents are showing that the Wii 2 controller will not only have screens on them, but front facing cameras, too.

According to Escapist Magazine:

According to a source that Develop calls “close to the matter,” the controller for Nintendo’s next console will have a front-facing camera, which will be used for creating in-game images.

This comes after weeks of speculation about the new console and its controller, and the source also claims to be able to confirm some of those rumors. Supposedly, the controller will indeed have a large, 6 inch touchscreen (stylus perhaps included) and a standard button layout, as was first rumored about a month ago.

With a touchscreen and camera, the new controller sounds suspiciously like a Nintendo DS or 3DS, and the source believes (but does not know for sure) that the handheld may be able to be used as a controller for the console. “The functions are the same,” he says. “It is a standard wireless controller added with a front-facing camera and touch screen. That sounds far too much like a 3DS to me. But I can’t confirm this, Nintendo is being very cautious about the details.”

Let us know if you believe this rumor.

Gaming Podcast 179: Goldeneye CuriousGaming Podcast 179: Goldeneye Curious

We’re recapping on the E3 news releases and giving our personal touch on how it’s all going down. We won’t cover everything from E3 as so many others have done it, we’ll touch on things we find important and how they make our inner child really feel.

This weeks gaming news includes:

This weeks gaming question, we’re wondering what product you think will be the most successful and which may fail. Your options are Nintendo 3DS, Sony Move, Sony 3D TV and Microsoft Kinect.

Gaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and MoreGaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and More

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bit of the Microsoft Press E3 news, a tiny portion of our own opinions on Kinect and a slight bit of a gaming flashback on Beat ’em and Eat ’em, an Atari 2600 “game.” A game by any other name would have to be a porn… and that’s as close as we get to one. This weeks news includes:

Question of the week: Does Kinect sound more desirable with all the new information and rumored pricing make you consider the purchase?

Gaming Podcast 134: Do You Want Me To Feel It?Gaming Podcast 134: Do You Want Me To Feel It?

This weeks gaming flashback? Scorched Earth, a great artillery style title. We’re also taking a historic look back at the game innovations developed by Don Daglow. Of course it’s not a full news week without some actual news! This weeks news includes:

  • podcast-200x200Walmart Pushing New Madden Game
  • Bestbuy takes on Gamestop
  • Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST possibly coming to Games on Demand
  • Nintendo not happy with E3 briefing
  • Nintendo Even baffled by Vitality Sensor
  • WoW Rumor: Two new playable classes in next expansion

This weeks community feedback was epically cool, we’re continuing the questions this week by asking: What game would you invent using the Wii balance board and vitality sensor? Do you have some ideas to solve Nintendo’s problem?