Tag: ea

Episode 526: New York State of MindEpisode 526: New York State of Mind

This week’s episode of Gaming Podcast features the first news of 2019 for the podcast, and there’s some juicy items to discuss. There’s no Gaming Flashback, but there is more discussion of the latest Civilization VI: Gathering Storm civs to be discussed.

The news includes:

  • “Exciting Halo: The Master Chief Collection news” teased for SXSW 2019
  • EA cancels open-world Star Wars game
  • Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is getting turn-based combat later this week

Let us know what you think.

Episode 272: Whinny 8Episode 272: Whinny 8

This week’s Gaming Podcast deals with Jordan Lund discussing how much negative flak Windows 8 has been getting, Daniel Quick being his usual Canadian self, Paul Nowak returning triumphantly, and Jonah Falcon just taking infamy in stride. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the derided Super Pitfall! for the NES.

As far as the news:

  • “Super-slim” PS3 will be a no-show at Gamescom
  • UbiSoft claims lack of new consoles penalizes creativity
  • Diablo III ‘God mode’ exploit for Wizard discovered
  • EA: Nintendo “on track to become primarily a software company”
  • Electronic Arts settles in Madden and NCAA monopoly suit

There is no Question of the Week – rather, the crew is waiting to hear your questions for them instead.

Episode 249: Milestone LoomingEpisode 249: Milestone Looming

For those of you good at math, you might notice that the TD Gaming Podcast is one episode away from a special number. While we have a surprise in store for loyal listeners, there’s still this week’s news to discuss. For starters, the classic Silent Hill 2 is the subject of the Gaming Flashback, even though none of the podcasters have gotten a chance to actually play it.

There’s also some interesting news to discuss, including:

  • Christian group accuses The Old Republic of “warping kids” with pro-gay message
  • Rumor: Next Harmonix project being released on XBLA, PSN, and Facebook
  • EA Sports: SSX will bring extreme sports videogames back to prominence
  • Xbox 720 rumors springing up like wildfire
  • PS Vita continues to struggle in Japan
  • SNK brings Neo*Geo back as a handheld

There’s plenty of Reader Feedback, but there’s no Question of the Week, because there’s a special episode coming up. Ooooh, what could it possibly be?

Episode 247: Paul Spews BullbleepEpisode 247: Paul Spews Bullbleep

Despite having multiple technical difficulties that were edited out of the podcast, Episode 247 is full of gaming discussion goodness, despite Paul’s constant declaration that companies are full of bullbleep.

This week’s gaming news includes:

  • Bioware confirms Mass Effect 3 is Origin-only
  • Electronic Arts passed $1B in digital sales in 2011
  • The Lund Report for the December 2011 NPD
  • Gaikai: Sony or Microsoft won’t have next-gen console
  • Thief 4 rumored to have multiplayer
  • Videogame industry companies shutting down to protest SOPA

This plus two reader mails and the Question of the Week, “What was the first multiplayer gaming you ever enjoyed?”

Episode 242: All Nude PodcastEpisode 242: All Nude Podcast

Since Paul is not in this week’s episode, Jonah and Jordan do the podcast completely nude, to help boost ratings. While being naked, rather than a Gaming Flashback, this week is a Gaming Preview, and Jonah and Jordan discuss the recently announced South Park: The Game, developed by Obsidian.

The other news covered includes:

  • Electronic Arts responds to expiring Online Pass issues
  • Bethesda: Divided memory pool causes lag for Skyrim PS3
  • Sony claims Uncharted series has 13M sales lifetime
  • Skyrim Creation Kit landing in January
  • Sony: PlayStation Network now has as high a “world-leading security system” there is

There’s also some Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week is “Have you ever taken a console with you on vacation (not handheld)?”

Episode 241: Air QuotesEpisode 241: Air Quotes

This week features a long podcast, as there’s a ton of news to report. Jonah tries air quotes on a pure audio podcast, while Paul refuses to believe The Legend of Zelda: Skyword Sword failed to hit the top 10 in software sales.

In addition, the Gaming Flashback checks out the JRPG Ys.

This week’s news includes:

  • Ubisoft polling gamers for next Assassin’s Creed setting
  • Electronic Arts bans a user for saying “badass”
  • Newell: Piracy is “almost always a service problem” and not price, DRM agitates
  • Christwire makes mock petition asking Pres. Obama ban Skyrim
  • Holiday shopping madness sees woman pepper spraying for 360
  • Microsoft refunds victims of Marketplace phishing scam

All this, and a bunch of reader feedback, as well as the Question of the Week: “Did you buy videogames as holiday gifts for friends and family?” Let us know.

Episode 240: ThanksgamingEpisode 240: Thanksgaming

It’s the episode just before Thanksgiving, and both Jordan and Paul have new jobs, as the latter settles into his new Los Angeles home. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the Atari 2600 game Kaboom!

The guys also discuss the following news items:

  • EA targeted for class action suit over Battlefield 3 PS3 bait and switch
  • Modern Warfare 3 makes $775M in 5 days
  • Square-Enix officially opens Montreal studio
  • Blockbuster has “ramped up the rental” of games, getting an “awful lot of support”
  • Rockstar eager to return to Bully IP

The question of the week: “How do you buy games most often these days: retail, online retailer, or digital distributor?”

Episode 239: This Episode is DRM-freeEpisode 239: This Episode is DRM-free

This week, Paul is too busy unpacking in his new home in California, so it’s just Jonah and Jordan, as the news mainly deals with DRM. The Gaming Flashback this week is the Activision racer The Great American Cross-Country Road Race, while this week’s Gaming History doesn’t focus on a video game company or developer, but a fictional character instead, Mario’s favorite mount, Yoshi.

The news this week includes:

  • EA forum bans cause game bans
  • Research film states piracy’s up 20% in past 5 years
  • GOG sez customers hate DRM
  • Steam user database cracked
  • Uncharted 3 launches with 1.1M sold in first week

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What DRM would you tolerate?”

Episode 238: No Free PornEpisode 238: No Free Porn

This week’s episode is also abbreviated, as Jordan is somewhere in Pennsylvania looking for a gingerbread house while Paul is still trying to pack his entire NES library into a single suitcase. Jonah and Paul still got in enough time to do a Gaming Flashback on Thief: The Dark Project, and the following news items:

All this and Reader Feedback, too, as well as a new Question of the Week, “If you have the opportunity to read or view a highly anticipated game’s story months before it was released, would you do it or would you deliberately turn it away to preserve yourself from spoilers?” Let us know!

Episode 228: Two Thirds ShowEpisode 228: Two Thirds Show

This week is a shorter-than-usual show as Paul S. Nowak is away on a birthday vacation. Instead, Jonah and Jordan discuss the Sega Saturn game Burning Rangers, and the following news topics:

There’s also reader feedback and the Question of the Week: What do you look for first in a game’s bullet-point features? Also, check out some of the outtakes after the show ends.