Tag: kinect

Episode 253: Future GenerationEpisode 253: Future Generation

This week, Paul is still not available, which is unfortunate, since the Gaming Flashback is the classic DuckTales for the NES. There’s also a bunch of scintillating news items including:

  • Pachter: Nintendo “Blew It” With Wii U, “In Disarray”
  • Bethesda hiring talent for Xbox 720, PlayStation 4 game
  • EA reveals Mass Effect 3 preorders well ahead of Mass Effect 2‘s
  • Pachter: Next generation Sony and Microsoft consoles will have 4GB SKU
  • Sony filed patent For Kinect-like motion device
  • PSN Minis not working on Vita

We also reveal the winner of the Pixie Diamonds contest.

Episode 221: FireworksEpisode 221: Fireworks

It’s the Smurfiest post-Fourth of July podcast ever, as Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund look back at the ColecoVision classic Smurfs: Rescue from Gargamel’s Castle, probably the easiest videogame ever Smurfed.

If that weren’t Smurfy enough, Jonah and Jordan, working without Paul S. Nowak this week, also check out this week’s Smurfy news:

  • Xbox 720 with Halo 4 launch in 2012?
  • PS4 also in 2012, with embedded Kinect-like motion control?
  • Crytek says Kinect development is “really, really easy.”
  • Sony working on new PSN redesign?
  • Questions over alleged early close of Sony’s Welcome Back offer.

This week has a ton of Smurfy reader feedback, as well as reaction to Sony’s crackdown of Star Wars Galaxies shutdown petitioners. If that weren’t Smurfy enough, the Question of the Week is pretty Smurfy as well, as readers are asked, “What game that you can’t find anywhere anymore do you wish you could play again?”

As usual, hit us up on iTunes and leave some comments!

Gaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing PaulGaming Podcast Episode 218: Introducing Paul

The listeners of Gaming Podcast finally get introduced to the third member of the Videogame Roundtable podcast team, Paul S. Nowak, who only desires hate mail and more time playing Dungeon Overlord on Facebook. This week, the Gaming Flashback looks back at the Gamecube title mentioned by Jordan Lund last week, Eternal Darkness, and the guys respond to the reader mail from episode 217, and if you’re interested in other types of games such as escape rooms you can visit the Room escape games in Portland Oregon just for this.

The trio also discuss the following news items:

  • Microsoft: Halo won’t be a yearly franchise
  • Analyst: Kinect appealed to “more hardcore” than expected
  • 2M users sign up for COD: Elite beta
  • Wizardry Online announced, will feature permadeath

This week’s Question of the Week: How much do you think the Wii U will cost? All this and more in this delightful podcast that will have you begging for more.

Gaming Podcast 215: HiatusGaming Podcast 215: Hiatus

Due to a familial emergency, TD Gaming Podcast is on temporary hiatus. This week is basically an outtake episode, though a bit short because for the last three months or so, the podcast has been pretty clean. However, there are some interesting conversations that you never got to hear.

There’s even an entire news item back from CES that was completely cut, and now you get to hear ten weeks later. Old news is so much fun!

Thanks for your patience, and we’ll have some new podcasts in a few weeks, we promise.

Gaming Podcast 201: Just A Day EarlyGaming Podcast 201: Just A Day Early

This episode starts with an MMO focus and ends with community feedback, we’re looking back at an MMO that never made it to life: Ultima X. We give a quick and dirty first-look at Cataclysm, the next World of Warcraft expansion. This episode arrives on day early as Derrick is flying off to Germany early this week on business. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week, “as 2011 approaches, what game really surprised you this past year?”

Gaming Podcast 198: Changing It UpGaming Podcast 198: Changing It Up

This week’s gaming podcast covers a host of topics about Kinect, Diablo and more unknown news from Sony. We’re hitting up a bit of gaming history on Donkey Kong Country and getting the inside scoop on what we can expect from the latest Wii incarnation known as Donkey Kong Country Returns in a short game review from Jennifer.

This weeks news:

We’ve also got some listener comments and a small announcement about what the TD Gaming Podcast will look like after Episode 200.

Gaming Podcast 196: Lies!Gaming Podcast 196: Lies!

This week we’ve got the Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect and we thought we’d do a quick review on a couple of the titles we picked up. We’ve dug up some history on the Game Com Handheld, comment on some community feedback and hit the news:

  • More MMORPGS using the free to play model
  • Microsoft convinced Kinect will sell better than awesome
  • Sony hopes Nintendo’s 3DS does well
  • Microsoft Kinect Selling out

This week’s question of the week, have you ever caved into the peer pressure, press and “sold out” signs to pickup a piece of hardware, software or other device?

Gaming Podcast 195: Opinions are Like Holes, Everybody Has OneGaming Podcast 195: Opinions are Like Holes, Everybody Has One

We’re back from our one-week break, this weeks gaming podcast covers the history of the Atari Mindlink along with a flashback of Strider. We’ll be responding to some community feedback and hitting up the news, which includes:

This week we’re asking the question, in your opinion, is the PSP and/or the PS3 a “failure.” Your opinion, may be backed up with any statistics or reasonable facts if you wish.

Gaming Podcast 194: Too Much Coffee Causes Genital HangnailsGaming Podcast 194: Too Much Coffee Causes Genital Hangnails

The longest title recorded on the books, let’s hope it fits! 🙂 This week we covered the gaming history for Adventures of Lolo and a bit about HAL Labratory all in honor of a new game we recently purchased to play with our kids: Kirby’s Epic Yarn. So far so good, our son is enjoying 2-player mode with us. This week we did an on-the-spot mini-review breakdown of Kirby’s Epic Yarn while hitting up some gaming news including:

Of course, a special thanks for Herr Alien and all his news posts this week, we got a bunch of them into the show. This week’s question o’ the week, what musician/group would you like to see featured in a video game and what genre would fit them?

Gaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and MoreGaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and More

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bit of the Microsoft Press E3 news, a tiny portion of our own opinions on Kinect and a slight bit of a gaming flashback on Beat ’em and Eat ’em, an Atari 2600 “game.” A game by any other name would have to be a porn… and that’s as close as we get to one. This weeks news includes:

Question of the week: Does Kinect sound more desirable with all the new information and rumored pricing make you consider the purchase?