Tag: Microsoft

Gaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and MoreGaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and More

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bit of the Microsoft Press E3 news, a tiny portion of our own opinions on Kinect and a slight bit of a gaming flashback on Beat ’em and Eat ’em, an Atari 2600 “game.” A game by any other name would have to be a porn… and that’s as close as we get to one. This weeks news includes:

Question of the week: Does Kinect sound more desirable with all the new information and rumored pricing make you consider the purchase?

Gaming Podcast 159: Mega DorkGaming Podcast 159: Mega Dork

This weeks gaming podcast, we’re flashing back to Trade Wars and the Teleplay Modem while learning a bit about our communities ideas about video gaming in prison. We’re checking out a few news tidbits for the week:

  • PlayStation 3 has been hacked
  • Microsoft plagued by another class action lawsuit
  • Nintendo giving their opinion of the iPad
  • Gamestop COO wants to educate customers about DLC
  • Metal Gear Solid Head developer not happy with delay

This week we’re asking the question: Is it acceptable for older people to play games and when did this become socially acceptable for adults to be gamers?

Gaming Podcast 155: Ms. Pac-Man’s For GirlsGaming Podcast 155: Ms. Pac-Man’s For Girls

This week we’re bringing the energy, talking about General Computer Corporation, Ms. Pac-Man and reading off some good listener questions (including our facebook questions). We’re hitting up the news with the following stories:

  • Microsoft Working on new motion control
  • EA shutting down game servers
  • Activision making DJ hero 2
  • Sega not making hard core titles for the Wii
  • EA cutting game prices?

This week’s question of the week, are we going to spend more money on episodic content than a single-boxed game?

Gaming Podcast 150: FPS ClanGaming Podcast 150: FPS Clan

This week’s gaming podcast brings back the old game Lemmings in our flashback while covering the history of DMA Designs. We’re also going to explain to you why we’d never make an FPS clan. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week, would you rather have the “Swiss army knife” of gaming hand-held systems that does it all, but features must be turned off to conserve battery life or a more focused hand-held platform that does just what’s needed with no additional bells and whistles?

Gaming Podcast 149: Soloing as a CoupleGaming Podcast 149: Soloing as a Couple

This week’s gaming podcast, we’re missing Don as he’s too busy having a new child. We’re rolling as a duo and cranking through the history of Super Mario Bros. and reviewing the New Super Mario Bros. Wii all while handing some great community questions and busting through some key stories this week:

  • No Diablo 3 in 2010
  • Android may not be a gaming platform
  • Sony making big moves with the PS3
  • Microsoft facing possible class action lawsuit
  • ArenaNet’s Founder Starts a New MMO company
  • Nintendo Losing Vice President of Consumer Affairs

This week’s question of the week: Is there a game that you didn’t really enjoy, or almost couldn’t stand, but felt obligated to finish just on principle?

Gaming Podcast 144: SpecificityGaming Podcast 144: Specificity

This week we’re delving into the news with focused specificity. Okay, we just wanted to use the word. We’re traveling back to the days of Might and Magic and covering the history of New World Computing. For news, we’re tackling a couple top stories including:

We’ve got some great community questions, great suggestions for board games converted to video games and have a new question, will you buy into Project Natal and Sony’s PS3 solution to console transitions with the “wand?”

Gaming Podcast 142: HatecastGaming Podcast 142: Hatecast

This episode brings the hate, sarcasm and skepticism in all that is gaming news. We’re also super charged with a gaming flashback on Autoduel and the history of Origin Systems, Inc. But, what really brings it all together is the news of the week:

This week’s question of the week is quite simple: any board games that need to be re-created as a video game?

Gaming Podcast 137: BeateratorGaming Podcast 137: Beaterator

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bunch of topics you’d expect to hear in a gaming podcast. What? Yeah, we’re flashing back to Master of Orion and taking a little look into the background of Stephen Barcia all while covering a bit of news and community comments. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week is pretty simple: what, in your opinion, is the best generation of consoles from the earliest until today’s consoles?

Gaming Podcast 133: Some People Have Tiny SwordsGaming Podcast 133: Some People Have Tiny Swords

This weeks episode covers a lot of cool community comments including some new writers. We’re also covering a little flashback on the game Faxanadu and, eventually, learning how to pronounce it. We’ll hit up some gaming history on Jordan Weisman and hit on some cool game news including:

This weeks question of the week is easy, is there a genre of game that you believe hasn’t been invented yet? If you don’t know…get creative!

Gaming Podcast 129: My WalkmanGaming Podcast 129: My Walkman

This week is full of crazy energy. We seem to have gone 100% Sony on news chatter but we level that out with some great community feedback about our question of the week. We hit a little Burgertime action in our gaming flashback and bust through some Data East company history.

  • podcast-200x200Analyst says Sony Motion Control beats MS Natal
  • Sony dropping the PS3 price?
  • EA heading for a takeover?
  • Sony backing Home
  • Sony making a PSP Phone?
  • Sony Exclusives not anything great

This week we’re asking the question, what is your favorite end-boss in a video game from todays games to the past classics?