Tag: Podcast

Episode 239: This Episode is DRM-freeEpisode 239: This Episode is DRM-free

This week, Paul is too busy unpacking in his new home in California, so it’s just Jonah and Jordan, as the news mainly deals with DRM. The Gaming Flashback this week is the Activision racer The Great American Cross-Country Road Race, while this week’s Gaming History doesn’t focus on a video game company or developer, but a fictional character instead, Mario’s favorite mount, Yoshi.

The news this week includes:

  • EA forum bans cause game bans
  • Research film states piracy’s up 20% in past 5 years
  • GOG sez customers hate DRM
  • Steam user database cracked
  • Uncharted 3 launches with 1.1M sold in first week

All that plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What DRM would you tolerate?”

Episode 236: Now With PandasEpisode 236: Now With Pandas

This week, Paul is not around, as Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund discuss the latest news, which includes pandas. Lots and lots of pandas. That, and a Gaming History profile on David Crane.

The news this week includes:

  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria announced
  • Sony: April PSN outage has resulted in improved service
  • Deep Silver: “There is a clear technology gap
  • Starcraft II DOTA mod will remain free but monetized
  • “Literally, there’s three of us” on console Diablo III
  • Minecraft dev wins interim injunction over Scrolls name

With that is Reader Mail and the Queston of the Week: What was your favorite Atari 2600 game?

Episode 232: Remember Pong?Episode 232: Remember Pong?

This week, there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a ton of news and Reader Feedback as Paul is finally present to react to some hate mail.

The news includes some huge items, like:

The Question of the Week: What was the very first home videogame you ever played?

Episode 221: FireworksEpisode 221: Fireworks

It’s the Smurfiest post-Fourth of July podcast ever, as Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund look back at the ColecoVision classic Smurfs: Rescue from Gargamel’s Castle, probably the easiest videogame ever Smurfed.

If that weren’t Smurfy enough, Jonah and Jordan, working without Paul S. Nowak this week, also check out this week’s Smurfy news:

  • Xbox 720 with Halo 4 launch in 2012?
  • PS4 also in 2012, with embedded Kinect-like motion control?
  • Crytek says Kinect development is “really, really easy.”
  • Sony working on new PSN redesign?
  • Questions over alleged early close of Sony’s Welcome Back offer.

This week has a ton of Smurfy reader feedback, as well as reaction to Sony’s crackdown of Star Wars Galaxies shutdown petitioners. If that weren’t Smurfy enough, the Question of the Week is pretty Smurfy as well, as readers are asked, “What game that you can’t find anywhere anymore do you wish you could play again?”

As usual, hit us up on iTunes and leave some comments!

Episode 220: Professional Butt BitingEpisode 220: Professional Butt Biting

This week is a short podcast, since there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there was some important news in the past few days that caught our eyes. We’re also giving away a free copy of Duke Nukem Forever for the Xbox 360.

The news items include:

How can you win a copy of Duke Nukem Forever for the Xbox 360? Answer the Question of the Week, What kind of food and drink to you eat while gaming? US residents eligible only.

Gaming Podcast 219: ColecoVision RulesGaming Podcast 219: ColecoVision Rules

Paul crows about Nintendo’s dominance over the ColecoVision and Dreamcast, while Jonah and Jordan reminisce about this week’s Gaming Flashback, Electronic Arts’ Barnstorming for the Atari 2600.

The news also includes the following topics:

  • Duke Nukem Forever review fiasco
  • Harrison: Apple will be the games industry in 10 years
  • Tretton: No need for PS4, PS3 now hitting its stride
  • Slimmer PS3 coming?

This week’s Gaming History looks at the husband-and-wife developing team Freefall Associates, while the Question of the Week is: How much weight do you give the score of a review? Let us know what you think.

Gaming Podcast Episode 216: Goodbye, Farewell, and AmenGaming Podcast Episode 216: Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

The TD Gaming Podcast heads to an uncertain future, as the TD Gaming Podcast will be closing its run with this cast. Derrick Schommer explains the reason that he and Jennifer will no longer be able to support the podcast, and thank the fans for their devoted support.

So, for old time’s sake, Derrick and Jonah Falcon cover the past week’s news:

  • Firelands is now live on World of Warcraft‘s Public Test Realm
  • New R18+ guidelines drawn up
  • Kojima: This year has become meaningless
  • Chinese labour camp prisoners forced to play MMOs

We also cover the reader feedback over the past couple of weeks, and the Question of the Week is: what would you like to see happen to the podcast?

If this is the truly the last Gaming Podcast, thanks for your support and praise.

TD Gaming Podcast 98: I Was Bad AssTD Gaming Podcast 98: I Was Bad Ass

This week we’re giving our impressions of Wrath of the Lich King, taking a look back at Ikari Warriors for the arcade and NES. This weeks news covers a few cool topics:

This week we’re taking a historic look back at SNK Playmore, a company that managed to collapse yet rise from the flames under a new name with their old SNK franchise licenses. Also, we’ll announce the winners for our Bejeweled Twist Contest.

TD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke DealerTD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke Dealer

In this episode we’ve got a lot of MMO-style content and news. Although we’re not reviewing Wrath of the Lich King yet, we’ve got other subscription based news. This weeks gaming flashback is Defender and this weeks news includes:

This week we’re taking a look back at William Higinbotham, the man who created the first video game by accident but wants to be known for his nuclear nonproliferation work. This weeks podcast continues the contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.

TD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their SkinTD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their Skin

This week we’re looking at some crazy news articles, looking back at Jungle Hunt and covering our review of the casual game, Bejeweled Twist from Popcap. This weeks news includes:

This weeks soapbox tackles the question, “would gamers be interested in non-violent cooperative games?” This weeks podcast ends with a new contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.