Tag: Show Notes

TD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke DealerTD Gaming Podcast 97: A Third Level Coke Dealer

In this episode we’ve got a lot of MMO-style content and news. Although we’re not reviewing Wrath of the Lich King yet, we’ve got other subscription based news. This weeks gaming flashback is Defender and this weeks news includes:

This week we’re taking a look back at William Higinbotham, the man who created the first video game by accident but wants to be known for his nuclear nonproliferation work. This weeks podcast continues the contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.

TD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their SkinTD Gaming Podcast 96: Nobody Wants To Give Me Their Skin

This week we’re looking at some crazy news articles, looking back at Jungle Hunt and covering our review of the casual game, Bejeweled Twist from Popcap. This weeks news includes:

This weeks soapbox tackles the question, “would gamers be interested in non-violent cooperative games?” This weeks podcast ends with a new contest to give away two copies of Bejeweled Twist on the gaming podcast and another two copies in our gaming podcast forums.

TD Gaming Podcast 94: Chicken and Subscription FeeTD Gaming Podcast 94: Chicken and Subscription Fee

Lots of great news in this weeks gaming podcast thanks to the holiday season approaching. We also take a retro style flashback to Space Invaders and talk about our attendance at the popcap launch party for Bejeweled Twist and a very light preview of our initial Guitar Hero World Tour impressions.This weeks news includes:

This weeks soapbox segement, we ask the question, does unlimited level creation cause bad press in video games?

TD Gaming Podcast 93: The M.I.T GangTD Gaming Podcast 93: The M.I.T Gang

This weeks Gaming Podcast comes out a bit early due to some travel plans and an upcoming trip to Popcap’s Bejeweled Twist launch party. This week in the news we took a look at:

We also take a look back at Pitfall! and cover yet another DRM issue on our soapbox, asking the question, is online gaming the DRM of the future? Our history segment does a bit of history on Popcap games.

Our NFS: Carbon and Saints Row contest has ended, the gang names are in, and we’re giving away the games to the winner. Next, we’re going to give away Project Gotham Racing 4.

TD Gaming Podcast 92: Apples to RaisinsTD Gaming Podcast 92: Apples to Raisins

This weeks gaming podcast covers some fun hot news topics and a gaming flashback of ClayFighter. We also cover a bit of the history on Vicarious Visions some game news, including:

We’re also asking the question, is the Sony decision to NOT drop the price of the PlayStation 3 for the holiday a big mistake?

TD Gaming Podcast 91: Freedom of SpeechTD Gaming Podcast 91: Freedom of Speech

This weeks gaming podcast covers a bunch of great topics including a gaming flashback of Populous. We’re going to give your our down and dirty Mega Man 9 review from an older gamers perspective and cover some game news, including:

We discuss developers attempts to combat used games by including special first time buyer incentives including free DLC, updates, maps and features.

TD Gaming Podcast 90: Riddled With Fragmented PatchesTD Gaming Podcast 90: Riddled With Fragmented Patches

This weeks gaming podcast we’re doing a review of Rock Band 2 and it’s drum kit. We are also digging into some juicy news on:

This weeks gaming flashback, we’re looking back to Act Raiser for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). We also discuss our thoughts of the upcoming Xbox 360 console user interface changes, avatars and the casual gamer look and feel.

TD Gaming Podcast 89: Epic Amount of FunTD Gaming Podcast 89: Epic Amount of Fun

This weeks gaming podcast covers some cool news, some cool haiku’s and takes a look back at Paperboy and the history of the Apple Bandai Pippin. This weeks gaming news includes:

We also ask the question, is Rare’s skill set out of date? Doug does his late talk like a pirate day impression.

TD Gaming Podcast 88: We Love Carebear ServersTD Gaming Podcast 88: We Love Carebear Servers

This weeks gaming podcast covers a bunch of hot topics along with a bit of gaming history. We take a flashback look at Tapper, a great arcade classic and we’ll hit up some popular news articles:

This weeks history covers the Havok physics engine and we stand upon our soap box and talk about the rumor Starcraft 2 will arrive after Diablo 3 hits the store shelves.

TD Gaming Podcast 87: One Star ReviewTD Gaming Podcast 87: One Star Review

This weeks gaming podcast is packed with content, our emotional rant on the latest news and we take a look back at Rygar and its infamous stupid pause system. This weeks news covers:

This weeks soap box, we explain our emotional disappointment with Spore’s DRM news and its 1-star amazon vote. Also, lots of great listener comments, touch on our own personal podcast history and another great contest! This time we’re handing out eight copies of Peggle Nights! Winners will get the title the day it releases, but can win before it’s out.