Tag: Sony

Gaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing ZeldaGaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing Zelda

This weeks gaming podcast covers the top game news of the week, a flashback on the video game Gorf and some feedback from the listeners. This weeks news includes:

  • Reggie Fils-Aime Calls Low Priced Apps a “Threat” to the Industry
  • Verizon Stops Taking iPhone Preorders After 17 Hours
  • Harmonix Confirms Layoffs
  • Parent Group Attacks “Your Mom Will Hate Dead Space 2” Ad
  • Halo 1 Being Remade for 360?
  • Sony Wants More Defendants In Rootkey Case

This weeks question of the week: What older game do you want to see a modern remake of most?

Gaming Podcast 208: Sony’s NGP RevealGaming Podcast 208: Sony’s NGP Reveal

We’re covering some of the NGP information, Sony’s new hand-held and trying to find the good and the bad for the hardware. With a market getting hit with smart phones, is there a place for the NGP? This week in the news we’ve got:

This week we flash back to the gaming impact created by one Garry Kitchen and ask the question of the week: Should Sony give up on the PS3 and release the PS4 as soon as possible?

Gaming Podcast 206: Drowning in PhlegmGaming Podcast 206: Drowning in Phlegm

This week we’re a bit sick, but the gaming podcast goes on regardless! We can’t seem to get away from the current hot topics of the week mostly involving Sony and hacking in the same sentences.  This week’s news includes:

  • Sony Sues Geohot and fail0verflow Team
  • Professor Labels Sony’s Suit “Breathtakingly Stupid
  • UbiSoft’s Walfisz Frets About PS3 Piracy
  • New PS3 Exploit Features Trophy Hacking
  • Modern Warfare 2 “Unplayable” on PSN
  • Blizzard: Heroic Cataclysm Dungeons Not Too Hard
  • THQ May Continue Price Experiment On More Games

This week Jonah gives out his review on Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled Blitz for XBLA and, giving away his copy of Plants vs. Zombies for the DS. This weeks question of the week, are you going to get a Nintendo 3DS?

Gaming Podcast 201: Just A Day EarlyGaming Podcast 201: Just A Day Early

This episode starts with an MMO focus and ends with community feedback, we’re looking back at an MMO that never made it to life: Ultima X. We give a quick and dirty first-look at Cataclysm, the next World of Warcraft expansion. This episode arrives on day early as Derrick is flying off to Germany early this week on business. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week, “as 2011 approaches, what game really surprised you this past year?”

Gaming Podcast 198: Changing It UpGaming Podcast 198: Changing It Up

This week’s gaming podcast covers a host of topics about Kinect, Diablo and more unknown news from Sony. We’re hitting up a bit of gaming history on Donkey Kong Country and getting the inside scoop on what we can expect from the latest Wii incarnation known as Donkey Kong Country Returns in a short game review from Jennifer.

This weeks news:

We’ve also got some listener comments and a small announcement about what the TD Gaming Podcast will look like after Episode 200.

Gaming Podcast 180: Dill Hole of The DayGaming Podcast 180: Dill Hole of The Day

This week’s gaming podcast is full of “awesomenessness.” With great listener comments regarding the next-generation of console technology, a retro look back at Moon Patrol, history of SEGA and the top news articles of the week. It’s like a tasty podcast strudel with frosting! This weeks news includes:

  • Sony re-releasing old games in HD
  • New Kings Quest Game Coming
  • PlayStation 3 update coming
  • Peter Moore: Gamer’s Appreciate Online Pass

This week’s question of the week, is Steam the winner of the electronic distribution technology? Could Blizzard take them on and become a competitor?

Gaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and MoreGaming Podcast 178: Microsoft, Kinect and More

This week’s gaming podcast covers a bit of the Microsoft Press E3 news, a tiny portion of our own opinions on Kinect and a slight bit of a gaming flashback on Beat ’em and Eat ’em, an Atari 2600 “game.” A game by any other name would have to be a porn… and that’s as close as we get to one. This weeks news includes:

Question of the week: Does Kinect sound more desirable with all the new information and rumored pricing make you consider the purchase?

Gaming Podcast 172: Heaps of MatesGaming Podcast 172: Heaps of Mates

We’re bringing a new gaming podcast to our heaps of mates, the listeners. We’re discussing some good community feedback while hitting a few key news article for this week. This weeks industry gaming news includes:

  • Codemasters and Playground battling it out
  • GamesWorkshop Sues WarhammerAliance.com
  • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Hits retail shelves July 27
  • Nintendo to crack down on piracy with the Nintendo 3DS
  • Sony confirms Little Big Planet 2

This weeks question, can a user-generated content create a game that extends far behind its own life cycle? Or, do we really rely on the developers to extend it?

Gaming Podcast 170: If Hacker’s Could SpellGaming Podcast 170: If Hacker’s Could Spell

This week’s gaming podcast we’re answering some community feedback, hitting some new DRM issues and tackling some popular news stories including but not limited to:

  • Capcom implementing always connect DRM in PS3 games
  • Ubisoft’s DRM cracked for good?
  • Blizzard appealing the AO Starcraft II rating
  • First PS3 3D games will not have as good graphics as the 2D version

The question of the week, would you rather have an inferior bleeding edge technology (PS3 3D Gaming for instance) or a higher end more current technology? Do you feel Sony’s trying to break new innovative barriers or move more high tech gear?

Gaming Podcast 167: Waiting in LineGaming Podcast 167: Waiting in Line

The gaming podcast this week includes a little reaction on PAX East and a bit of history on Vanguard. For the news, this week, we’re busting through a few key news stories:

  • Sony taking out “other OS” feature
  • DSIWare games not transferable to DSi XL
  • Nintendo announces Nintendo 3DS
  • Sony thinks 3D belongs on consoles and not hand helds
  • Major Nelson’s gamer tag was hacked

Derrick explains a bit about his opinion of PAX East and how such an event might not be exactly built for him. We’re also busting through some great community feedback. Special thanks to the community of 2old2play.com, Wombat from Cheap Ass Gamer and Lady J of SFX 360 for the PAX Panel.

This weeks Question of the Week: “Everyone loves shoot em ups. What was your favorite shoot em up? Xevious? Space Invaders? Galaga? Ikaruga?”