Castle Crashers, Win A Free Copy

Although we weren’t able to get a free copy to give away for Castle Crashers due to limited supply, GameStooge has one, and has the ability to hand one out. If you’re looking to get in on the contest and potentially get a free code to download Castle Crashers upon its release, checkout GameStooge’s contest.

The rules are simple: “Write in the comment section what is your favorite movie with a castle, and why it’s the castle is so great in it – minimum 30 words.” The game looks crazy fun, so I highly suggest you put in a contest entry if you’ve got an Xbox 360 gamer tag and 360 console to play it on!

0 thoughts on “Castle Crashers, Win A Free Copy”

  1. my favorite is the miniature castle from the ringer. The on that the special midget stays in. it is the best castle because it has the best wizard, better than gandalf!!! lol

    gamertag- Kamthebeast

  2. my favorite castle movie was in eragon because the castle was pitch black hade some pretty cool guards and held the evil shade in it so that was my favorite part! Gamertag: AC3 4 LIF3

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