Gaming Podcast 117: Grinding My Neighbors Pug?

This week we’re taking a stroll down memory lane of Deus Ex, hitting up some information about Warren Spector and crashing through some good game news including:

  • podcast-200x200New Guitar Hero Game a “best of” compilation.
  • Latest DLC for Fallout 3, not working so well.
  • New Linux based gaming console.
  • PS3 Outsells Nintendo Wii in Japan.
  • Sony Gets Snippy about DSi.
  • Rumor: Mortal Kombat Devs Leaving Midway.

Of course, we forgot our Question of the Week, so let’s ask it now: How many bad/buggy patches and content updates would you accept before you give up on the developer? Ton’s of great comments this week, hopefully you’ll remember to answer the question we forgot to ask in the show.

Also, check out the show if you’ve got a PS2 and want two volumes of Popcap’s casual games, as we’re looking to give them away.

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 117: Grinding My Neighbors Pug?”

  1. The most attractive aspect of Deus Ex was the dialogue and philosophy. It featured such dialogue like: “The human being created civilization not because of willingness but of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning.” and “When government surveillance and intimidation is called ‘freedom from terrorism’ or ‘liberation from crime’, freedom and liberty have become words without meanings.” Keep in mind this was pre-9/11, and part of the plot revolved around the bombing of the Statue of Liberty.

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