Gaming Podcast 120: Bringing The Fiddle

This week we read off some of our Audience Survey Dislikes and requests while plowing through some great community comments. We self-analyze Don to see if he’s really a freak based on some community feedback while tackling some news:

We’re also taking a flashback peak at Return to Pirate Island and a bit of history on Scott Adams, the interactive fiction game developer (not the Dilbert guy). This week’s question is a reverse take on last weeks, thanks to Jonah Falcon: What games did you give up on, due to difficulty, despite wanting to see how it ended?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 120: Bringing The Fiddle”

  1. Dude. Seriously? Charlie Daniels? I liked it better when I didn’t notice your music intro. ‘;)

    “And if you win you get this shiny Wiimote made of gold / But if you lose, Nintendo gets your soul…”

  2. Dude! Charlie Daniels rocks… well, at least that song…that’s the only one I know 🙂

    You want to know how hard it is to find good fiddle music on the Interwebs? After about 20-minutes searching for clean/crisp fiddle or banjo music I gave up.

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