Gaming Podcast 131: An Inner Ear Problem

We’re back! This week we’re hitting some fun news articles and kicking it back with a little gaming flashback about Columns. We also break the news about our brand new console that we purchased last week before vacation and touch on KOEI in our gaming history. This weeks news includes:

This weeks question, we’re wondering what your break point is for purchasing a console or a video game, is there a magic number where you finally break down to buy it?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 131: An Inner Ear Problem”

  1. The break points for me tend to be
    40.00 or under new. I has to be on a console I own already or for PC. It has to have a rating among gamers of 8 or better. By gamers I mean people who really play the game and wrote about it on their blog or tell me about it somehow. People who got it because it interested them not people who write for Game Marketing sites and get free copies or one that is passed around the office.

  2. I’ve been a PC gamer all my life – when I bought the Xbox, it was a $600 bundle – and the reason I bought it was twofold:

    1. it had a hard drive
    2. Halo

    I bought the 360 because of my Live account.

    Now, I first got back into console gaming with the Dreamcast, when it was being sold for $60. The funny thing is, software was still being made for it, so I was buying stuff like NBA 2K1 and NBA 2K2, and playing it even though I had an Xbox.

  3. Hey I’m from Cooktown, australia and love listening to ur podcast, when i’m working in excel. I used to be a real PS2 fan boy and i used to always say i’ll neva go to microsoft… But then PS3 and the 360 came out and i didnt know what to do, so i kept my ps2 4 a while pretending that the epic age of ps2 wasnt over. But after getting caught onto halo at my friends and seeing such a community on xbox live … i got converted =/ (final fantasy going to 360 played a big role) but i still wanted the ps3, but when i saved enuf dough 4 the ps3 what did i do….. i got a 81cm samsung LCD. Sony disappoints me with there system i just dont think its worth the price
    =[. P.S say hi to me in ya next podcast =p

  4. Depends on what desire lvl of the game is at. if its on the “LIST” i just buy it even if its $120 but if its a game i’m interested in, but dont wanna spend $99+ on i’d say $50 (making me a sucker for 49.95 deals =p)

  5. The market for gaming is sick! But if you compare to my generation the NES days, prices are pretty comparable if not even better for what your getting. Anyone remember the turbo graphics 16…lol

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