This week we’re pulling a 2-person shift while Don is away being sick and tired. We substituted his astute comments with extra epic insight… okay, we just did as best as we could without him. We flash back to Venture, we do an audio review of Zuma’s Revenge and we kicked it free style with some news:
Halo: ODST Reviews are in
- Turbine working on an MMO for the console
- Price Cuts boost sales, initially, but not over the long term
- Infinity Ward Responds to Gearbox … sort of
- Red Octane considering Natal controls
This week’s question of the week, can big companies still innovate with new games?
…. Oh yeah my answer to ur question is below 8}
Well a lot of major game developers are where they are today because of making great original games and software. But much like the kernel, he’s gonna keep selling chicken till no wants it no more. Investors don’t like risk. In a financial prospective its probably wiser for a successful developer for example bungie and Activision to keep developing in games they know will sell like Halo and call of duty and leave there next innovative idea for a raining day. Maybe they wanna keep bleeding the well dry til the next generation of consoles. I hope the passion and pace of making new and better games in the industry doesn’t slow down cuz I think the history of gaming since the 80s is amazing. Btw Could you 3 make a time line presentation of what you think were the most epic stages/changes in gaming history.
Thanks for casting
Our answers to the scary question were in the forum – and you didn’t read mine.
As soon as I heard you saying the dog ate Krud’s post, it occurred to be that none of the posts that were put up in response BEFORE you made the scary game question of the week in a new post.
If you search for the original post by me you should see the responses.
-About the Question of the Week
Short answer, yes. Although, in their defense if it isn’t broke why fix it? Nintendo is living off it’s 20 year old IPs, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, ect. It seems that Mario continues to bring new elements to the table, but c’mon I’m gonna call a spade a spade; it’s a platformer as it has been from day one.
I do think the nail has been hit squarely on the head though; games are a business just as much as they are art, so when the investors start clamoring new IPs will be developed
Not about the question of the week
What does everyone think about the price cut of the wii, and rumors ( i think they’re rumors) about the upgraded Wii in 2011?
Unreal Tournament, the original 1999 game. I loved it 🙂