Gaming Podcast 211: Short and Sweet

This week we had to cut some segments short due to some work we’re doing on our house that had us tied up. We’re just doing up some news this week and community feedback. This weeks news includes:

And, here is the story about The Boy Who Stole Half-Life II. Here is our Question of the Week: Will all MMOs eventually follow a free-to-play model?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 211: Short and Sweet”

  1. @PS3:
    I agree with Jonah, it’s the beginning of the end. They didn’t rely on a server to perform DRM tasks, like Valve does, or like Microsoft does. It was an error on the architecture side. There’s one lesson to learn from this: once the user has access to ALL components of a game, the game will be cracked.
    Time to pay the price for not realizing this.

    @Electronic Arts: We Drained Our Core IPs:
    Bwa ha ha ha 😀
    The problem is not that they milked their IPs. The issue is that while doing that, they didn’t bother creating new ones.
    Granted, Valve didn’t do too much development either, but at least they went out, scouted for talent, and bought teams (see Portal, TF2).

    @Bungie’s Next Game an MMOFPS?:
    Why not? The MMO aspect has nothing to do with the camera perspective. Plus, if they’re harping on known IPs (like Halo?), then it might turn out nice.

    @Question of the Week:
    It is very likely. There is a lot of pressure from the other MMOs to move in that direction.

    I am impressed you managed to squeeze in my comment; I was away for the week, and I only managed to post it late.

  2. @PS3:
    I agree with Jonah, it’s the beginning of the end. They didn’t rely on a server to perform DRM tasks, like Valve does, or like Microsoft does. It was an error on the architecture side. There’s one lesson to learn from this: once the user has access to ALL components of a game, the game will be cracked.
    Time to pay the price for not realizing this.

    @Electronic Arts: We Drained Our Core IPs:
    Bwa ha ha ha 😀
    The problem is not that they milked their IPs. The issue is that while doing that, they didn’t bother creating new ones.
    Granted, Valve didn’t do too much development either, but at least they went out, scouted for talent, and bought teams (see Portal, TF2).

    @Bungie’s Next Game an MMOFPS?:
    Why not? The MMO aspect has nothing to do with the camera perspective. Plus, if they’re harping on known IPs (like Halo?), then it might turn out nice.

    @Question of the Week:
    It is very likely. There is a lot of pressure from the other MMOs to move in that direction.

    I am impressed you managed to squeeze in my comment; I was away for the week, and I only managed to post it late.

  3. @QOTW I think the games have to be free,i mean I’m not gonna play if I have to pay for it I’m still 13 I don’t have my own money yet

  4. @QOTW I think the games have to be free,i mean I’m not gonna play if I have to pay for it I’m still 13 I don’t have my own money yet

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