Episode 265: See You After E3

This episode is a little late due to the holiday, but at least it’ll give everyone something to listen to when there’s no episode next week due to Jonah Falcon and Paul S. Nowak heading to E3.

In the meantime, the gang covers the following news:

  • THQ: “Linear is not a dirty word for an FPS”
  • Pachter decries on-disc DLC as “just plain greed”
  • Crysis 2 returns to Steam
  • The Old Republic still has one of the biggest dev teams in industry

Along with the usual Reader Feedback, the crew this time asks the readers to ask some questions, instead of the other way around. Let us know what you want to know.

0 thoughts on “Episode 265: See You After E3”

  1. @Gaming flashback: did any of you played Mission Impossible on NES?

    @“Linear is not a dirty word for an FPS”
    Well, what can I say, if you wan to push for a very specific story/experience, then linear is the only way to do it.
    However, you get better replay value from sandbox games. Heck, I still love playing all STALKER games.
    Jonah, good point on building a climax easier on linear games. I harp back to STALKER: the first game was a sandbox game up until reaching Chernobyl. Afterwards, it turned linear, and it didn’t feel bad at all.
    I feel so sorry for GSC having to shut down. I hope Vostok Games (the startup from the former GSC games) will do better.

    @Pachter decries on-disc DLC as “just plain greed”:
    You know, this time I agree with the dude.

    @Crysis 2 returns to Steam:
    Hmm, lemme guess, Origin didn’t work that great? Or is it that money has no color, so Steam customers are just as good as Origin customers?
    Did Valve lower their demands in the cut from DLC?

    @The Old Republic still has one of the biggest dev teams in industry:
    It’s hard to sell 3 mil. of copies of anything, never mind a new IP. It’s a risky bet.

    What do you guys think of “Amnesia: The Dark Descent”? That is, if you played it.

  2. i am sorry i disapeared but i do not have much time…
    @qotw how long does it take to make a single episode of a podcast from early planning to final editing?

  3. Not much interested in the news, so I’m going to comment on E3.

    Plenty of games have been added to my list of games I want to play, among them are:
    -Need for Speed Most Wanted
    -Epic Mickey 2
    -New Super Mario Bros. U
    -Pikmin 3
    -Rayman Legends
    -Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist
    -Tomb Raider
    -Watch Dogs

    Worst E3 conference was Microsoft, best was Ubisoft. What I don’t get is how many people are “disappointed” by Nintendo’s conference, expecting huge releases such as Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero or even Smash Bros. I think that many people do not understand how long it takes to make the great games Nintendo makes, and expect them to churn them out like Call of Duty. I also think that it’s a smart move by Nintendo, releasing quite a few good titles at launch, and then pace the awesome games one by one for the future. Maybe this way the WiiU won’t run out of first-party games as soon as the Wii did.

    2 questions, both for Paul:
    So, did you shit your pants when Nintendo announced the WiiU will come out Holiday 2012?
    Have you finished Skyward Sword yet?

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