Month: September 2013

Episode 326: Jordan’s BackEpisode 326: Jordan’s Back

Jordan is back, and even though he’s not 100%, he’s still well enough to do the podcast. He and Jonah discuss what things make them stop playing a game, while the rest of the podcast is all about Grand Theft Auto V. They also get into discussions about laserdisc players.

The news includes:

  • Microsoft: Women make up 40% of Xbox Live audience
  • Rumor: Steam Box announcement on Monday
  • Grand Theft Auto V hits $1B in sales after 72 hours
  • Dead Rising 3frame-locked at 30″ on Xbox One
  • Sony offers fix for GTA5 error 80029564 crashing system on install

All this and Listener Feedback, as well as the Question of the Week, “When will the current generation of consoles discontinue?”

Episode 325: Civilized PodcastEpisode 325: Civilized Podcast

This week’s podcast has Dan Quick filling in for an ailing Jordan Lund, while Civilization V inevitably comes up in conversation with the Polycast host with Jonah Falcon. There’s no Gaming History or Gaming Flashback, but tons of news items.

The news includes:

  • Andrew Wilson named Electronic Arts CEO
  • PlayStation Vita TV announced
  • Sega buys Atlus for 14 billion yen
  • Star Trek video game “big disappointment” to J.J. Abrams
  • Chair on Shadow Complex 2: Fans “don’t want it more than we do”
  • Steam adopts Xbox One’s former family sharing program
  • Diablo III auction house closing in March 2014

There’s also some Listener Feedback from the T-shirt winning contestant.

Episode 324: Next-Generation ShowdownEpisode 324: Next-Generation Showdown

This week’s podcast has no Listener Feedback, and is sort of short because of it. However, in addition to the news items that were on script, there was the surprise news of how much Grand Theft Auto V cost to produce.

This week’s news includes:

  • Xbox One gets November 22 launch date
  • Each Xbox One to be sold at a profit
  • PS4 only supports 4 controllers
  • PS4 and Xbox One won’t support external hard drives for now
  • Sony refunds Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PSN purchases

This week’s Question of the Week asks if you’ve ever gotten a new version of the console you already owned.

Episode 323: What Is Nintendo Thinking?Episode 323: What Is Nintendo Thinking?

Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund discuss PAX Prime 2013, then delve into this week’s news, Listener Feedback, and discuss the 1990’s developer Psygnosis.

The news this week includes:

  • Nintendo announces 2DS, Wii U price drop
  • Inafune “fought hard” for risk taking at Capcom, creators must be “willing to fail”
  • Godus beta to hit Steam Early Access on 13th September
  • Diablo III‘s new loot system to “cut the legs out” from the auction house
  • Bethesda wants The Elder Scrolls Online available to non-Xbox Live subscribers

The Question of the Week: “How many times have you purchased a new form factor of a console you already owned?”