Month: July 2014

Episode 357: Dan-tasticEpisode 357: Dan-tastic

Paul Nowak is on hiatus from the podcast, but former podcaster Dan Quick is stepping in to fill his shoes. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the expansion Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

As for the news:

  • Noriega suing Activision over depiction in Call of Duty
  • The Sims 2 players get expansion-stuffed upgrade as EA ends support
  • Codemasters responds to GRID Autosport Boost Pack criticism (from
  • Ex-Call of Duty devs found brand new studio
  • Adam West playing himself in Lego Batman 3
  • Civilization Beyond Earth release date announced

All this and listener feedback.

Episode 356: Gi-BlowEpisode 356: Gi-Blow

This week’s podcast finally reveals the winner of the E3 Swag Bag. The episode is packed full of show, including a Gaming Flashback about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and the Gaming History celebrating Donkey Kong‘s 33rd birthday.

The news includes:

  • Another EA exec explains why mobile Dungeon Keeper suffered
  • PS4 fails to inspire Japanese market
  • Former Epic director Bleszinski unretires to reveal Project Bluestreak
  • Divinity: Original Sin developer turned off global chat to silence trolls
  • Bartle: “Free-to-play has a half-life

All this plus the Question of the Week: “Have online players caused you to quit playing that session?”

Episode 355: E3 Swag Bag Part 3Episode 355: E3 Swag Bag Part 3

This is the final week of the E3 Swag Bag giveaway, which includes a The Sims 4 bag, a The Sims 4 T-shirt, The Sims 4 sunglasses, and some other goodies like a Dragon Age: Inquisition T-shirt, a Farming Simulation 2014 cow, and so on. Paul is unavailable this week but Jordan’s wife Jennifer guest hosts, with the famed Kingdom Hearts being the Gaming Flashback.

This episode also includes the following news items:

  • Report: PS Vita no longer available at major retailers
  • No women allowed at upcoming Hearthstone tournament
  • Lindsay Lohan files suit over GTA V allegedly using her likeness
  • Sources: Crytek UK’s staff no longer going to work
  • Riot closing League Of Legends’ public chat

And once again, the Question of the Week: “What was your biggest takeaway from E3?”