Episode 429: Colored Controllers

We’re still running the contest for the E3 loot, which includes a T-shirt, a Loot Crate, some Civilization 6 swag and a Kobe Bryant gold coin with a DLC code on it.

The podcast also follows up on some of the hardware that was seen at E3, including PDP controllers and the HTC Vive VR headset. Then there’s Brexit…

The news also includes:

  • TIGA calls for government to reassure UK games industry
  • Mario Maker fans have built a better community website than Nintendo
  • Nintendo’s upcoming NX console may use cartridges instead of discs
  • Gears of War 4 on Xbox One will push performance using DirectX 12, PC to have 4K and unlocked FPS

Just let us know what excited you at E3 2016 to win the loot swag.

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