This week’s podcast is a little late thanks to life interrupting, but better late than never. We discuss the Gaming Flashback, Robocop, and other weird tangeants that have nothing to do with videogames.
The news this week includes:
- PUBG is “considering” region-locked servers
- Rare cancels planned Sea of Thieves “death cost” after player complaints
- Red Dead Redemption 2 leak teases Battle Royale Mode
All this and Listener Feedback.
Hi guys.
Thanks, as always, for the entertaining episode. Regarding PUBG: i like their approach to increase the performance, but they should have the player decide, if he wants this or if he wants to play on a server of “another” country. And for the mobile version (same as for the Fortnite mobile game): no! just no 🙂 FPS are PC only games for me … i even dont play FPS on a console .. i prefer mouse + keyboard … and for sure not on a 4 inch touchscreen 🙂
I loved playing WOW (and still will play it with the next expansion) but fishing was .. nar .. i did it to get some special fish or some achievments .. but not for fun 🙂
The fishing game for Dreamcast (Sega Bass Fishing) with the “real” fishing rod was fun 🙂
Thanks for the infos on Ys, i think i will give it a try.
@Jonah: a “Let´s play” of mass effect would be nice. A friend recommended me the series, and i bought all the games, but did not get into it so far 🙂
The easter offtopic: We have “kinder eggs” in germany. They are called “kid´s surprise” (dont know if it is tranlated correctly). The yellow plastic “egg” around the toy has changed, its “one” part right now … i think so that kids are not able to swallow one part of it? Don´t know 🙂 Never swallowd one of them as a kid and i had a lot of them, because my mum got me one, everytime she went shopping 🙂
And that you mentioned April fool: did you fell for one? 🙂
Have a nice week guys and hope to have a new episode soon 🙂
Greetings from germany,