Episode 509: Heatwave LA

This week was a hot time for Jonah — really hot time as Los Angeles was sweltering and the Arctic was literally on fire. However, that didn’t stop the crew from doing the podcast (albeit a day late), though the news was a bit thin again.

The news items for the week include:

  • The C64 Mini is coming to North America on October 9
  • Datamined logo offers more evidence Taiko Drum Master for Switch is coming West
  • Next Xbox will focus on “XCloud” game streaming
  • GOG: Classic console games “might be possible”

The Question of the Week: “What little known game did you love?”

0 thoughts on “Episode 509: Heatwave LA”

  1. I saw articles about the C64 Mini a while ago, but hearing you talk about it got me really psyched. I forgot about all those fun games.

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(Thanks, GamerScoreBlog)