Episode 570: Fallout: New Vegas Redux

This week’s Gaming Flashback, Fallout: New Vegas, sets the crew on a long discussion of what made New Vegas good and Fallout 4 a failed sequel, and the inherent problems of the mainline Bethesda games as opposed to Obsidian’s take.

This week’s news includes:

  • Nintendo “investigating” reports of accounts being breached
  • Nintendo gearing up for increased Switch production following global shortages
  • COVID-19 lockdowns have led to surges in popularity for survival and sports games
  • Animal Crossing trading is being ruined by absurd trader fees

Let us know if you, too, are obsessing over the latest Animal Crossing.

0 thoughts on “Episode 570: Fallout: New Vegas Redux”

  1. Hi guys.
    Sorry for not writing a comment for such a long time 🙁 I am listening nearly to every episode, but really forget to write you a line .. sorry for that!
    Regarding the topics in this episode:
    Best Gamepad for me is the PS4 Gamepad. I have small Hands, so thats fine for me to handle it. The Switch Pro COntroller is nice as well, but after playing some hours, i feel some pain in my hands which i dont have playing with the ps4 Controller. The xbox Controller is a little bit too clunky to play with it for hours imho. The bigger size is not the problem, i think for me its the orientation of the buttons, especially the ones on the backside.
    I am playing much WOW right now … i am not able to play Magic with real cards so WOW is a welcome time killer 🙂 In addition i am playing the new Ori Game, the new Doom and i want to start the FF7 Remake.
    Regaridng Fall Out New Vegas: cant tell anything about it .. never played it .. should I ?
    People are really playing more survival games during this Covid Period? Oh my god 😀 they should watch Walking dead instead .. haha 🙂
    Regarding the grinding discussion: i play WOW and i played it 15 years ago so i know grinding very good 🙂 But at least if you are in Discord with some friends, talking and maybe watching som tv shows on a second screen, its not that hard and boring. But sure its sad, that you you have to grind at some points to get some good rewards 🙁
    Thanks again for the nice and entertaining episode. Keep on guys and stay healthy 🙂
    greetings from germany,

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