Episode 744: Even More Switch 2 Stuff

The guys discuss a ton of topics off the cuff. They talk about the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct airing on April 2, the PSN crash, lots of negative Civilization 7 reactions, Phasmophobia hitting 22m total sales, PlayStation and Steam quietly removing shovelware, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D remake selling and Dragon Quest 12 confirmed to still be in development.

Let us know what you think.

1 thought on “Episode 744: Even More Switch 2 Stuff”

  1. Hi guys.

    Thanks for the Episode 🙂

    I was enjoying your thoughts about the Switch 2 and I Share some of them.
    I will wait until there are enough titles exklusive of the console. The graphic alone is Not a reason for me to buy it … I am Having fun with 16 Bit Retro Pixel Games …

    I actually play way too much POE2 … but it makes fun an i like it … so what?

    The only game I would Pause it for at the Moment would be silksong 😂

    Stay healthy and greetings,

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(Thanks, 1up)