Category: atari

Episode 518: Mattel Vs Atari AgainEpisode 518: Mattel Vs Atari Again

It’s seems like old times as there’s a new IntelliVision console coming out to compete with the Atari VCS. The funny part, of course, is that the new IntelliVision will feature Atari 2600 games on it published by Atari. I guess we’re all friends now. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Dead Space.

As for the news:

  • Intellivision Amico console coming in 2020
  • Jade Raymond leaves Electronic Arts
  • Splash Damage ends development of its team-based shooter Dirty Bomb
  • Fortnite‘s Save the World Mode won’t be going free-to-play in 2018

The Question of the Week is: “Which cancelled game would you wish have been completed: Starcraft Ghost, Fallout 3 (Van Buren), Warcraft Adventures, Scalebound, Fez 2, Prey 2, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, Full Throttle 2, or something else?”

Episode 497: Only Three More Til 500Episode 497: Only Three More Til 500

The podcast slowly inches towards the magic 500th episode of Gaming Podcast, representing over 11 years of yakking about video games. For a Gaming Flashback, the gang looks at arguably the last good Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy. They also discuss the phenomenon that is Fortnite.

As for the gaming news, this week includes:

  • Atari reveals Ataribox, renamed Atari VCS
  • Ys: Memories of Celceta will arrive on PC this summer
  • Fortnite is already the second highest grossing game on iOS
  • Top Fortnite streamer Ninja earns $500,000 per month

Do you play Fortnite? Let us know.

Episode 472: Peggling PegglesEpisode 472: Peggling Peggles

Last week’s episode was torpedoed by audio issues (who knows, maybe they’ll come back in a outtakes episode), so this week returns with half old news and half new news. The Gaming Flashback returns with a vengeance with the classic Popcap game Peggle — which came out while Gaming Podcast debuted!

This week’s new/old news includes:

  • Atari’s ‘PC technology-based’ Ataribox will echo NES Classic, crowdfunding campaign coming
  • PC release of Classic action-RPG Ys Seven announced
  • Possible Xbox One X wireless module passes through FCC
  • New trademark sparks rumours of ‘Nintendo 64 Classic’ console release

Also, there’s a Question of the Week — listen in and let us know what you think.

Episode 381: Nudity Next TimeEpisode 381: Nudity Next Time

This week’s episode is full of pop culture references, again, as Inspector Gadget, Matthew Broderick, My Little Pony and The Garry Shandling Show all get some airtime. In addition, Paul discusses his frustration with The Sims Freeplay, and Jonah threatens that in the next episode, he’ll be naked and Paul will wear a silly hat.

The news includes:

  • Free Windows 10 for pirates
  • Kojima breaks silence over departure rumours
  • Atari to indie dev: Stop ripping off your own work on Tempest 2000
  • Xbox For Sale – the rumours just won’t quit
  • Nintendo’s next-generation console is codenamed ‘NX’

All that and a Listener Feedback.

Gaming Podcast 219: ColecoVision RulesGaming Podcast 219: ColecoVision Rules

Paul crows about Nintendo’s dominance over the ColecoVision and Dreamcast, while Jonah and Jordan reminisce about this week’s Gaming Flashback, Electronic Arts’ Barnstorming for the Atari 2600.

The news also includes the following topics:

  • Duke Nukem Forever review fiasco
  • Harrison: Apple will be the games industry in 10 years
  • Tretton: No need for PS4, PS3 now hitting its stride
  • Slimmer PS3 coming?

This week’s Gaming History looks at the husband-and-wife developing team Freefall Associates, while the Question of the Week is: How much weight do you give the score of a review? Let us know what you think.

Ghostbusters Benefits From Activision BanishingGhostbusters Benefits From Activision Banishing

ghostbustersBad economic times mingled with company acquisition spells disaster for many game titles but the story ends well, we hope, for Ghostbusters. The game was slated for a Holloween release, last year, but was given the boot by Vivendi when they merged Activision and Blizzard. There is only so much room for projects and management when two companies combine, Ghostbusters was given boot.

Atari picked up the franchise once it was slammed to the cutting room floor and the team has since been given a second chance. Not only did Atari give them access to a channel for publishing, they asked the developers for a wish-list of things they could have done different. They then granted all the changes, in effect, giving the developers a second chance to update the title and make the story telling and game better than it would have been if they hit their original date.

Being picked up by a developer and being given the chance to update the game in ways you really only had dreamed means we, as gamers, will be getting the real title. The biggest factor for a crappy game is the time and money to get the job done. Unfortunately time and money are in constant battle with money usually arriving as victor.

Now, developers are being given the time to do it right at the expense of a little more money in the investment. A once in a lifetime change that could put a “would be” dead franchise in the top spots.

(Thanks, BlendGames)

Retro FlashBack: DragonFire (Atari 2600)Retro FlashBack: DragonFire (Atari 2600)

Now here is another interesting video game for the Atari 2600, the game Dragon Fire consisted of two game screens, one which you ran across a bridge while fireballs were shot at you, you had to duck or jump over the fireball. This screen was a side-scroller style screen (although it doesn’t actually scroll), at the other end of the bridge was a castle door which you’d enter to get to the next screen.

The second screen was more classic “overhead but not really” screen where you ran around this black screen picking up treasures while a dragon at the bottom shot fire at you from below.

As the game increased in level jumping fireballs became more challenging (on the first screen) as you ran because they would come quicker, more often. The second screen would get very difficult very quickly as the dragon would increase in speed and fireball spitting. You could tell how hard the dragon would be as it would change colors from lighter to darker black as you progress stages.

When you finished collecting all the treasure an exit would pop up in the corner and you had to run to it without being burned by the fireballs, that dragon would turn from left to right nearly instantly too! Then, you’d jump into the exit and be back on the bridge again, but this time it was harder. You could die up to 7 times before the game was over (just to show you how hard it is, they gave you a bunch of lives).

The game was tough, frustrating, hard to replay because you were just so nervous and jittery from the last attempt. Graphics were “okay,” nothing to rave at but it was, after all, the 2600.

You can hear all we had to say about DragonFire for the Atari 2600 on Episode 79 of the TD Gaming Podcast!