Category: Editorial

Episode 424: Awaiting ApocalypseEpisode 424: Awaiting Apocalypse

The gang discusses the just-released Captain America: Civil War as well as mention the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse film, but they also do get into this week’s news, which is heavy on the Nintendo side.

The news includes:

  • Nintendo NX cartridge rumors abound
  • Fallout 4 Xbox One mods enter beta after May 19
  • Zelda anchors Nintendo E3 plans
  • Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare debut this past week

This week’s Question of the Week is “What era war would you like to see in a shooter?”

Episode 422: Pop CultureEpisode 422: Pop Culture

This week’s a lot of discussion of comic book movies, including the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War”. In fact, it dominates most of the podcast. However, there is some discussion of video games.

This week’s news includes:

  • Free money suddenly showed up in some people’s Steam accounts
  • “Obviously there’s going to be another Borderlands,” says Gearbox
  • Rumor: Nintendo NX to be officially revealed this or next week
  • Rumor: Xbox One upgrade under development at Microsoft

Question of the Week: “Would you buy a updated console like the PlayStation 4.5 or Xbox One and a Half?”

Episode 419: Virtual RealityEpisode 419: Virtual Reality

This week’s episode is full of pop culture… well, most of it got sliced off as outtakes, but there’s still plenty of pop culture. What there is a lot of these days is virtual reality, and none of it even involves the Virtual Boy. Jonah, Scott and T.J. discuss some of the rumors going on as well.

The news this week includes:

  • Fallout 4’s Far Harbor will be bigger than any previous Bethesda expansion
  • Outer Rim DLC for Star Wars: Battlefront still having issues
  • Sony hints PlayStation VR may come to PC

Let us know what you think.

Episode 418: Potter RageEpisode 418: Potter Rage

This week’s episode runs pretty long as TJ Denzer returns from his bowling trip. Scott goes ballistic over the Harry Potter franchise with Twilight, and other than that, a lot of pop culture discussion.

This week’s news includes:

  • Nintendo deletes every stage by prominent Mario Maker speedrunner
  • Telltale’s take on Batman will be M-rated, launches this summer
  • Original Diablo design docs show it was to be a classic turn-based rogue-like
  • 30 launch titles for Oculus Rift revealed, each with “Comfort” ratings
  • Mass Effect developer wore new IP on T-shirt, says no one noticed

This week’s Question of the Week, “What game editors have you used?”

Episode 417: One In, One OutEpisode 417: One In, One Out

This week is a celebration of the 250th episode of the Videogame Roundtable, and Dan Quick is back for the special edition, joining fellow PolyCaster Scott Dirk. However, TJ Denzer was at the bowling alley, so he wasn’t available. There’s a lot of Cards Against Humanity and Town of Salem talk, as well as a lot of long-missed byplay between Dan and Jonah Falcon. Unfortunately, Paul Nowak couldn’t make it.

The news this week includes:

  • Bethesda working on a “bleeding-edge” RPG
  • Diablo II gets first official patch since 2011
  • Forza Motorsport 6: Apex won’t crossplay with Xbox One version
  • Nintendo explains why only the New 3DS plays SNES games
  • U.S. DoJ increases hostility towards Apple in latest court filing

Let us know what you think.

Episode 416: Blowing WindsEpisode 416: Blowing Winds

Unfortunately, we had to skip a week despite recording a good podcast thanks to technical difficulties – don’t worry, we’ll air it at some point in the near future. It was a good episode. This episode had its own issues, as Jonah was unable to record the podcast at home, so he was outside in the New York City night air podcasting with TJ and Scott.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft cancels Fable Legends, closes Press Play Studios, considers shuttering Lionhead Studios UK
  • Report: SpinTires developer sabotaged his own game
  • 10 months later, MAME finishes its transition to open source
  • Valve announces The Lab, a compilation of free VR “experiments”

Let us know what you think.

Episode 414: We’ve Done BetterEpisode 414: We’ve Done Better

This week’s podcast isn’t the best, but at least we tried, right? There’s a lot of chatter, and Scott gets really angry at people criticizing Star Wars.

This week’s news items includes:

  • Iranian state television mistakes Medal of Honor footage for reality
  • Street Fighter 5 Arcade Mode being considered
  • Experimental 5D data storage could store 360TB of games for 13.8 billion years
  • Ubisoft boasts about The Division beta’s huge numbers
  • HTC’s Vive VR Tech will launch in April priced at $799

This week’ Question of the Week: “When, if ever, will you be getting VR?”

Episode 411: We Are Experiencing Technical DifficultiesEpisode 411: We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties

This podcast is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, but there’s plenty of banter between Jonah and Scott, and 30 minutes of the podcast were removed to be aired as an outtakes at some point. Oh, and there’s plenty of cursing and NSFW content in this particular podcast, so be warned.

The news includes:

  • Starbreeze announces it’ll build a VR arcade venue in Los Angeles
  • Mighty No. 9 unexpectedly delayed by Comcept
  • Nintendo NX set to be new face of Nintendo with busy 2016 planned
  • Five Nights at Freddy’s World pulled from Steam

Let us know what you think.

Episode 409: No Spoilers This TimeEpisode 409: No Spoilers This Time

This week’s podcast is kind of boring, since there’s little to talk about, but Jonah and Scott are game. Most of the entertainment comes from Scott talking about his Fallout 4 adventures.

This week’s news includes:

  • Sony wants to trademark the term ‘Let’s Play’
  • Star Wars open world game Kickstarter proposal canceled
  • OculusVR founder claims Rift selling at $599 is “obscenely cheap
  • Pirated games may cease to exist in two years thanks to Denuvo

Let us know what you think.

Episode 407: Third Time’s the CharmEpisode 407: Third Time’s the Charm

If you’re wondering where the podcast has been, it’s been in technical hell. Twice the podcast was recorded each week, and both times there were serious technical issues. This time, we’ve got it right, and even have Paul dropping by to discuss his new book, “Gaymers: the Difference a ‘Y’ Makes: How (and Why) to Make Video Games LGBT Players Care About“. Actually, it’s mostly dominated by a discussion of an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

Otherwise, the news items include:

The Question of the Week: “Who is your favorite superhero?”