Category: electronic arts

Episode 353: E3 Swag BagEpisode 353: E3 Swag Bag

Jonah returns from attending E3 last week, as Jordan is a sick latecomer into the podcast. Jonah and Paul relate his near-disaster loss of his iPad Air, while Jordan does his best Don LaFontaine impressions in this episode which is 50% longer than normal.

The news discussed includes:

  • Hirshberg: Console transition pains not a bad problem to have
  • Destiny may possibly come to Windows PC
  • Nintendo’s top designer has “uneasiness” about virtual reality
  • How the Xbox One’s 10% GPU increase works without Kinect
  • PS4, Xbox One seeing much higher digital download attach rates

In addition to the news, there’s Listener feedback, and even better, a new contest to win an E3 Swag Bag – listen in to find out how to win (US listeners only, sorry.)

Episode 350: Where In the World Is Gaming Podcast?Episode 350: Where In the World Is Gaming Podcast?

Last week’s podcast was the victim of Jonah’s ISP going down, so this week is a mix of last week’s and this week’s news, as well as a Gaming History on industry legend Nolan Bushnell.

The news includes:

  • EA rumored to nearing deal to stream games via Comcast
  • Nintendo responds to gay marriage petition
  • $300 3D printer coming early 2015
  • Kinect-free Xbox One coming June 9 for $399
  • Philips sues Nintendo, seeks to halt Wii U sales in U.S.

The Question of the Week: “What is your favorite educational videogame?”

Episode 346: Back PainsEpisode 346: Back Pains

Paul wasn’t able to make it for this podcast thanks to a hospital trip due to back pains, but Jordan and Jonah get into it a little themselves. They also avoid the predictable April Fool’s gags since even though the episode was recorded April 1, it wasn’t going to air until 2 days later. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Ubisoft’s first person shooter Far Cry.

The news this week includes:

  • EA deletes nasty Wii U April Fools’ tweets
  • Indies praise Xbox One self-publishing – but Microsoft must drop its launch parity policy
  • Uncharted 4 game director leaves Naughty Dog

Also included is Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite videogame-related April Fool’s joke?”

Episode 335: Double XEpisode 335: Double X

This week, Jordan reveals that he actually won an Xbox One from work, making him the second owner of the console in the podcast, and the only one with both a One and a PS4. Unfortunately, Paul’s not available for the podcast, making it a podcast of two.

The news this week:

  • Square Enix confirms Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for next-gen
  • EA donates $1.65 million to American Cancer Society following Humble campaign
  • Report: MMOs targeted by intelligence agencies
  • Ubisoft polling on Assassin’s Creed 5, non-Assassin pirate game
  • Report: Disney taking over Indiana Jones from Paramount

Also, listener Pawel Predki wrote his own review of Tearaway. Read it here.

Episode 325: Civilized PodcastEpisode 325: Civilized Podcast

This week’s podcast has Dan Quick filling in for an ailing Jordan Lund, while Civilization V inevitably comes up in conversation with the Polycast host with Jonah Falcon. There’s no Gaming History or Gaming Flashback, but tons of news items.

The news includes:

  • Andrew Wilson named Electronic Arts CEO
  • PlayStation Vita TV announced
  • Sega buys Atlus for 14 billion yen
  • Star Trek video game “big disappointment” to J.J. Abrams
  • Chair on Shadow Complex 2: Fans “don’t want it more than we do”
  • Steam adopts Xbox One’s former family sharing program
  • Diablo III auction house closing in March 2014

There’s also some Listener Feedback from the T-shirt winning contestant.

Episode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch LineupsEpisode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch Lineups

This week’s episode as a guest in the form of Jordan Lund’s wife Jennifer. There was to be a Gaming History, but it’ll be used next week when there’s more time.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft Points transformed into cash
  • Gamers can return digital titles on Origin after a week
  • Bungie feels Destiny can be bigger than Halo, as big as Star Wars
  • Borderlands 2 coming to PlayStation Vita
  • Sony announces 33 “launch” titles for PlayStation 4
  • Microsoft announces launch titles for Xbox One
  • The Sims 4 emotional gameplay revealed at GamesCom 2013

All this and Listener Feedback, with the same “console or PC gamer?” question from last week.

Episode 314: Post-E3 Discussion, Titanfall T-Shirt ContestEpisode 314: Post-E3 Discussion, Titanfall T-Shirt Contest

Jordan Lund and Jonah Falcon finally get back together after an eventful E3 2013, as Jordan finished his not-so-stellar review of The Last of Us. Part of the podcast was from Jonah’s live television show on MNN, which recapped Microsoft’s decision to reverse its online policies with the Xbox One.

The news this week includes:

  • EA’s Soderlund states next-gen consoles should have come a year earlier
  • Xbox One, PlayStation 4 premium games will cost $59.99
  • EA’s Star Wars licensing deal ‘almost didn’t happen’, DICE pushed for Battlefront
  • Fish claims Fez 2 won’t come to Xbox One due to anti-indie policy

This week has a contest: win a free Large T-Shirt of Titanfall, by answering the question: What game at E3 impressed you the most?

Episode 310: Halo Makes You Feel OldEpisode 310: Halo Makes You Feel Old

This week’s podcast features a Gaming Flashback of Halo: Combat Evolved, one of the longest such game segments in the podcast’s history, encompassing a third of the podcast.

This week’s news items includes:

  • Blizzard decides against rolling back Diablo III servers following gold exploit
  • Defiance to get 5 major DLC packs in the next year
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox console called “Xbox Infinity”
  • Obsidian expresses desire to develop Star Wars RPG
  • EA to stop licensing with weapons manufacturers, will keep using branded guns

There’s only one reader response, but there is a Question of the Week: “What videogame genre are you completely burned out on?”

Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?Episode 309: Best Episode Ever?

[This episode is unedited, so be prepared for some naughty language.]

This week has some stunning news items, causing an overstuffed, long episode, so big even Jordan’s wife chimes in, and Jonah and Paul argue hotly over the last item. The Gaming Flashback for this episode is Super Star Wars.

This week’s huge news:

  • EA gets exclusive license to publish Star Wars games, powered by Frostbite 3 engine
  • Uplay causing problems with Steam version of Heroes VI expansion Shades of Darkness
  • The Sims 4 officially announced by Electronic Arts
  • Michael Biehn hints at Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon sequel
  • Doritos Crash Course 2 coming May 9, still free
  • Spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness hitting crowdfunding on May 6
  • Gearbox dismisses Aliens: Colonial Marines lawsuit as “beyond meritless”

Also some listener feedback, plus this week’s Question: “What was your Golden Era of videogaming?”

Episode 304: Heart of the Swarm GiveawayEpisode 304: Heart of the Swarm Giveaway

Despite being recorded on April Fool’s Day, the podcast has no pranks, just a long political discussion and has Paul demanding no one say anything about BioShock Infinite. Speaking of that game, the crew announces the winner of the BioShock Infinite contest. This week has a Gaming History about the development of XCOM: UFO Defense.

This week’s news includes:

  • Cruel April Fool’s Joke posts fake Half-Life 2: Episode Three Steam page (see image below)
  • Path of Exile to feature yearly major expansions
  • Gamers want Assassin’s Creed every year, states UbiSoft Montreal
  • Former Diablo III director states the auction houses were a mistake
  • EA prez Gibeau: “DRM is a failed dead-end strategy”

There is a ton of feedback, plus a new contest to win a copy of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. The rule is the same as BioShock Infinite: listen to the podcast and comment on what is discussed.